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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fiesta Spirit Sweeps Southern New Mexico (and NM Democrats)

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Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with another report from Southern New Mexico.

Congressman Harry Teague led the charge as Democrats stepped out in southern New Mexico to meet and greet voters and to celebrate the start of fall festival season. Dona Ana County residents were out in force to see the Whole Enchilada Festival Parade on Saturday morning and Democratic candidates and their supporters came out to greet them and show off the 2010 ticket up and down the ballot.

On hand seeking state office were representing the ticket, Attorney General Gary King, Secretary of State Mary Herrera, and Appeals Court Judge Robert Robles. Local officials included State Representative Jeff Steinborn, State Representative Nate Cote, State Representative Joni Gutierrez, and District Court Judge Mannie Arrietta, Magistrate Judge Olivia Garcia, along with Dona Ana County Commissioner Scott Krahling and Las Cruces Councillor Gill Sorg.

Also appearing were Bill McCamley, candidate for Public Regulation Commission in District 5, Andy Segovia, candidate for Dona Ana County Assessor, Jose “Joel” Cano, candidate for Magistrate Judge, and Billy Garrett, candidate for County Commissioner.

Democrats were also steppin’ in Alamogordo for the Otero County Democratic Party ‘meet and greet’ at the Otero County fairgrounds. Highlighting the event was a rousing line dance led by L.C Marshall and the Dog Canyon Dancers. Also on hand to meet and greet local voters were Stephanie DuBois, candidate for Public Regulation Commission in District 2, Sue Medina, candidate for State Representative, Wally Anderson, candidate for Sheriff, along with L.C. Marshall, who is running for Otero County Commissioner.

Folk Dance was center stage at the San Miguel Fiesta in San Miguel, a small community fifteen miles south of Las Cruces. The heavily attended local event featured students from San Miguel and the surrounding communities of the Mesilla Valley. 

The Whole Enchilada Festival in Las Cruces and the San Miguel Fiesta in San Miguel continue on Sunday, September 25.

Photos by Stephen Jones. To see more posts by Stephen, visit our archive.

September 26, 2010 at 11:47 AM in 2010 General Election, By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Children and Families, Democratic Party, Las Cruces, Otero County | Permalink


Good to see all these good Democrats out there fighting and talking to people. I was at the parade and the Republicans were all hate.

Posted by: Carlos | Sep 26, 2010 7:02:37 PM

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