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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Today: Diane Denish to Outline High Tech & Renewable Energy Jobs Plan in Dona Ana County

The gubernatorial campaign has announced that Denish will outline her high-tech and green jobs plan at the Tierra Madre Housing Development in Sunland Park on today at 1:00 PM.

Tierra Madre is an affordable, workforce housing development that was built using the latest in green building techniques. Tierra Madre Housing Development is located at 102 Tierra Madre in Sunland Park.

Denish originally unveiled her plan at an event at Silver Gardens in Albuquerque last Thursday. You can check out videos and photos from the event and read about it here.

August 3, 2010 at 10:01 AM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Energy, Environment, Green Economy, Jobs, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish | Permalink


I am really glad to see Diane Denish doing this - and before labor day.

Her strength as a candidate is that she really has depth of experience in a great many areas where the state really needs knowledgeable leadership.

Her opponent is a one note orchestra who mostly is just trying to mobilize those who feel existential angst, but who really aren't thinking.

Posted by: Stuart Heady | Aug 3, 2010 11:31:41 AM

This is a tight race and as many debates as possible are needed to compare the candidates on real issues not talking points. Thank you Lt. Gov. Denish for challenging Susana on this point. My guess is that Susana will try to hide and appear only in TV ads and such. We need to keep up the pressure.

Posted by: Go Diane! | Aug 3, 2010 12:21:26 PM

@Stuart: Bingo! That's Diane's frame: knowledgeable leadership.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Aug 3, 2010 5:18:07 PM

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