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Monday, August 02, 2010

Denish Campaign Proposes 8 Debates for Governor, 3 for Lt. Governor

Democratic Ticket: Diane Denish, Brian Colón

GOP gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez likes to talk in sound bites and use bumper-sticker rhetoric to address complex issues, instead of offering detailed proposals or nitty gritty policy analysis. So it should be interesting, to say the least, to see how she responds to a new proposal by Democrat for 8 gubernatoral debates, as well as 3 debates between the candidates for Lt. Governor -- Democrat and Republican John Sanchez.

Oh, Susana -- are you ready to let New Mexico voters learn who you really are?

With less than 100 days until the election, New Mexicans need as much information as possible about the gubernatorial candidates to decide who is most qualified to lead our state through these tough times. The Denish for Governor campaign has proposed eight debates in different regions of the state that cover a range of topics important to New Mexico families.

Martinez Balks at Agreeing to Debate Schedule
The first debate, hosted by Albuquerque Public Schools on August 19, has been agreed to by both campaigns. However, the Denish campaign says it has repeatedly contacted the Martinez campaign to discuss the release of a full debate schedule, but the Martinez campaign has thus far declined to agree to a schedule of debates. The Denish campaign first approached the Martinez campaign about debates on June 2, the morning after the primary.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher for New Mexico families in this election and voters deserve to hear how each candidate for Governor would address the challenges facing our state,” said Denish campaign manger Oren Shur in a statement released today. “Most New Mexicans aren’t familiar with Susana Martinez and she’s been virtually silent on a wide range of issues that directly impact families like education and jobs. Debates are always a critical part of the electoral process and that’s particularly true in this campaign.”

Denish Proposal
The debate schedule proposed by the Denish campaign (below) includes three televised debates and five other debates in communities around the state such as Las Cruces, Taos and Santa Fe. More than 15 organizations from across the state have invited the candidates to debate and this proposed schedule includes sponsors from a range of business groups, media organizations and education institutions. The campaigns have also agreed to participate in the Domenici Public Policy Conference at NMSU on September 2, 2010 -- but the event will be a joint appearance, not a debate.

The Denish campaign says their objective was to find non-partisan sponsors that would agree to a format that allowed the candidates to have a thoughtful debate on key issues. The proposed schedule below is not a list of the only debates the Denish campaign is willing to do, but rather a proposed schedule based on thoughtful debates and availability on the schedule.

Times and formats for each debate are TBD and will be announced prior to the debate.

Proposed schedule of Governor’s debates:

August 19
APS Board of Education Candidate Forum (Confirmed by both campaigns)
Eldorado High School
11300 Montgomery Blvd., NE Albuquerque

Week of Sept. 6 or Sept. 13
NM Business Weekly Candidate Debate
National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque

September 17
UNM-Taos Candidate Debate
1157 County Road 110
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557

Week of September 20
League of Women Voters Las Cruces
Good Samaritan Auditorium

September 26
Congregation Albert
3800 Louisiana Boulevard Northeast
Albuquerque, NM 87110-1476

Week of October 4
Live Network Television Debate (station and format TBD)

Week of October 18
Live Network Television Debate (station and format TBD)

October 22
KNME/KUNM debate
Studios: 1130 University BLVD

What about it, Susana? Are you ready for prime time or intent on hiding in the shadows?

August 2, 2010 at 06:41 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Susana Martinez | Permalink


Susannah is afraid she'll be this year's Patsy Madrid. "Ummmm... ummmm... tax cuts?"

I think this is really good strategy for Diane. We won't have that many debates, of course. 8 is a lot! Still, by going on the offensive about the number and timing of the debates, Diane is showing that she welcomes the contrast.

Diane knows her policy. SM is a sound bite generator. Put them side by side and voters will see the difference. In bad economic times, you vote for the adult in the room, not the bitchy teenager.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Aug 2, 2010 6:55:50 PM

I truly am a loyal Democrat and Denish/Colon supporter, but I am sorry, this is the dumbest idea Diane's team could have come up with.

Susanna is an experienced trial attorney and comes off interesting and charismatic over TV. Every honest Democrat knows that Diane does not.

Posted by: Loyal Dem | Aug 2, 2010 7:31:09 PM

I am wondering, the last time Richardson ran, he chickened out on debates altogether.

Did you voice any concern at all at that time, over his unwillingness to debate the Republican candidate, or does your upset only apply to Republicans?

Posted by: fair is fair | Aug 3, 2010 7:09:57 AM

To "fair is fair" above, Gov. Richardson didn't have a viable opponent on the Republican side. John Dendahl was a clown not a genuine candidate. Richardson won the race 68-32%-a wipeout for Dendahl.

Posted by: Answer | Aug 3, 2010 8:56:58 AM

Good for Diane Denish! Nothing could help our chances more than for voters to see the two candidates side by side, discussing the issues. Susana knows nothing except being a prosecutor and she is pretty good at sound bites but she is very uninformed on the issues.

Susana had better step up to the plate and agree to these debates or voters will know she is afraid to debate Denish.

Posted by: L.C. Voter | Aug 3, 2010 9:36:36 AM


Your answer then is?; if in the eyes of a candidate, their opponent is not "viable", they have no responsibility to the citizen voters of New Mexico, to present themselves for critical evaluation.

What kink of "leader" hides from debates?

Put down a mark for me for; strongly disagree.

Posted by: fair is fair | Aug 3, 2010 9:55:50 AM

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