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Friday, August 27, 2010

A Little Birdie Told Us Jim Scarantino Is Leaving New Mexico In Focus, Maybe More

Scarantino One of our talkative birds on a wire told us that notorious tea party movement enthusiast and Rio Grande Foundation-backed blogger Jim Scarantino will no longer be a panelist on KNME's New Mexico In Focus, which airs on Friday evenings. The word is he's retiring to spend time with his wife, sing opera and climb mountains -- or something.

As I'm sure you all know by now, I'm no fan of Scarantino and his prickly, pompous verbal vendettas against all things Democratic, progressive or environmental so I won't be missing him on the weekly talk show. I am curious, however, about whether he will also be "retiring" from the New Mexico Watchdog blog. And if he is, why?

Could it be that some authority or donor to the Rio Grande Foundation has finally realized Scarantino has gone a little too far on more than a few occasions pumping the partisan tea party line? Stay tuned.

August 27, 2010 at 03:35 PM in Local Politics, Media, Right Wing, Weblogs | Permalink


Lassen Sie nicht die Tür treffen Sie auf dem Weg nach draußen, Jimmy

Posted by: Save the Lobos | Aug 27, 2010 4:32:41 PM

It could be that KNME sacked him, and this will free him to pursue the libertarian dream with more gusto than ever.

I hope this means that KNME is looking to increase the intelligence quotient of their New Mexico in Focus by finding people who actually are worth listening to.

When I first moved to town, I thought this was a good show to tune into in order to pick up on what was going on, but I quit tuning in. It seems to be some people who think they understand the world, speculating on stuff like any other bunch of people who might meet on Friday night and kvetch over a beer or two. Why do they think this is interesting?

It isn't reality TV, whatever it is. One would think PBS could do better.

Posted by: Stuart Heady | Aug 28, 2010 11:39:44 AM

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