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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Slideshow: Democrats Roll Across Southern New Mexico to Celebrate Independence Day

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Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with a report from Southern New Mexico.

New Mexico Democrats were on a roll at Independence Day celebrations across southern New Mexico on Saturday, July 3. Leading the charge at Silver City and Las Cruces was Bill McCamley, Democratic candidate for Public Regulation Commissioner, who raced to meet voters aboard roller blades at both parades. Silver City’s annual parade was Saturday morning. The Doña Ana County Parade stepped off at sundown.

The Doña Ana County Electric Light Parade in Las Cruces featured Brian Colón, Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor on behalf of the Denish/Colón ticket, and Congressman Harry Teague. Also on hand were Rep. Nate Cote, Las Cruces Mayor Pro Tem Sharon Thomas, Councillor Gill Sorg, County Commissioner Scott Kraling, and Judge Manny Arrietta. Democratic candidates Andy Segovia, running for County Assessor, Billy Garrett, running for County Commissioner, and Jose Cano running for Magistrate Judge also rolled through the throngs to meet voters Saturday night.

July 4, 2010 at 09:44 PM in By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Democratic Party, Holidays, Las Cruces, Silver City | Permalink


Our local candidates in Otero county were in the Alamogordo parade on July 3, then sheriff candidate Wally Anderson and county assessor candidate Sheldon Compton joined me at our booth in Timberon ("Western Days").

BTW, BOTH the DPLincolnC and the DPOteroC have rifle raffles this year. I only had the DPLC tickets with me, but sold 15 of them.

Highlight for me was enjoying a slice of prize-winning pie for $2. Those Timberon gals make great pies!

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Jul 5, 2010 8:07:08 AM

Next time maybe they can raffle off land mines

Posted by: Cynic | Jul 5, 2010 9:28:45 AM

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