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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Senator Bingaman in Las Cruces to Promote Wilderness, Honor Veterans

Sen. Bingaman (center) with members of Hispano Chamber of Commerce

Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with a report from Southern New Mexico:

U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman was in Las Cruces and Mesilla on Tuesday, July 6, to promote the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Wilderness Bill currently pending in the Senate, to honor Las Cruces veterans, and to outline accomplishments in economic development, heath care reform and education addressed by the current session of Congress, issues that directly effect New Mexicans.

Senator Bingaman spoke to the Hispano Chamber of Commerce at its luncheon at Lorenzo’s in Mesilla about the status of the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Wilderness Bill. He also championed successful efforts of the Congress to pass bills stimulating economic growth and development, education and health care reform. On the Wilderness bill he outlined recent changes that have been made to the legislation to strengthen border security. These changes were worked out in negotiations between Senator Bingaman, local supporters of the wilderness legislation and the Border Patrol. "We are working to get the bill in position" on the Senate legislative calendar, Bingaman said, but noted that there are only about eight weeks of actual floor time left before the November election.

The Hispano Chamber of Commerce, a Dona Ana County Hispanic business and trade association, has been a strong local supporter of the Wilderness Bill and other quality of life legislative initiatives which they have termed conducive to the expansion of small local business and the generation of jobs.

Honoring vets at Las Cruces City Council

Bingaman also presented thanks to returning veterans at the weekly meeting of the Las Cruces City Council. The Senator and the City of Las Cruces took the opportunity to thank the soldiers in uniform and veterans of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The families of soldiers from Las Cruces who lost their lives overseas were also honored.

Vets at City Council

Several dozen Las Cruces soldiers and veterans were on hand for the presentation.

July 7, 2010 at 12:10 AM in Border Issues, By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Environment, Hispanic Issues, Las Vegas NM, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Veterans | Permalink


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