< Democracy for New Mexico: GOP's Steve Pearce Struggles With Weed

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Friday, July 23, 2010

GOP's Steve Pearce Struggles With Weed

Lost It's just so symbolic. In an NPR story that aired Wednesday, Congressman Steve Pearce confirmed that he's more familiar with the backrooms of Washington than the backroads of the southern New Mexico, a district he represented for six years. Pearce has emerged from the mothballs after his rout in the 2008 U.S. Senate race to challenge Congressman Harry Teague for his old seat -- and he's apparently having problems finding his way around the 2nd Congressional District. Imagine that.

After admitting that he had to tell the truth because a reporter was present, Pearce said, “I am sorry we are running a little bit late, we got lost in Weed.”

“Not only is he literally lost in New Mexico, Congressman Pearce continues to prove that he's lost touch with New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District," DPNM spokesman James Hallinan said in commenting on the story. "But that should come as no surprise -- without K Street and Wall Street to guide him, Congressman Pearce is lost. To help him find his way, we will be sending Congressman Pearce an "In Case You Get Lost... Again Kit" to make sure he is more prepared next time he hits the campaign trail.”

To re-familiarize Pearce with the District he represented for six years, his "In Case You Get Lost... Again Kit'' will include:

*It's the biggest university in the district and Steve Pearce went there on the GI Bill ... before he voted against expanding the GI Bill for our new Veterans.

To listen to the full NPR Story, click here. You can find Congressman Steve Pearce getting lost in Weed around 2:29 into the story.

July 23, 2010 at 08:50 AM in Democratic Party, NM-02 Congressional Race 2010, Steve Pearce | Permalink


Kudos on the Kit.

Probably ought to include one of those mileage calculators so that, traveling New Mexico, he can tell exactly how far any given point is from K Street.

Posted by: Stuart Heady | Jul 23, 2010 10:09:03 AM

Pearce is the most clueless politician in New Mexico.

Posted by: So. NM | Jul 23, 2010 11:22:45 AM

I love your headline. Double funny because Stevie Pearce is so anti everything to do with 60's counterculture. He was one lonely guy in that era and he'll never forgive those hippies for getting it on while he couldn't get laid if his life depended on it. He was a loser then and he's a loser now and he's damned angry about it. If only the 1950s would return, when he and his kind felt like they were on top of the world!

Posted by: NMSU alum | Jul 23, 2010 2:58:15 PM

Lost in Weed? The town of Weed is actually only about 4 blocks long. He may have been lost on Agua Chiquita, the road that you turn on to get to Weed and which then runs on to Sacramento and eventually connects up to Scott Abel, which gets you to Timberon.

But seriously, the R's want this seat back, and Pearce is outraising Teague, AND Teague's personal fortune has been hard hit because his business has been boycotted by the oil and gas industry ($40M down to $5M, plus a lawsuit for $2.7M filed against his company). If you have any spare change, please send it to Teague.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Jul 23, 2010 9:10:14 PM

Remember that pearce voted against most all programs that would have helped poor families esp. childrens health care he is an idiot

Posted by: Consuelo Hannan | Jul 24, 2010 2:24:30 PM

cut him some slack. Most NM citizens have never been to weed. I have b/c our church camp is sacramento - near weed... It's not a big deal...

Posted by: Wow | Jul 24, 2010 5:44:23 PM

It IS a big deal because Pearce represented that district for 6 years in the past. Did he ever hear of maps, too?

Posted by: Guide | Jul 25, 2010 12:46:11 PM

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