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Thursday, July 08, 2010

7/24: MT Gov. Brian Schweitzer to Headline DPNM Summer Gala

The Democratic Party of New Mexico will host its first annual Summer Gala fundraiser on Saturday, July 24, 2010 at Hotel Andaluz in downtown Albuquerque. The special guest will be Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer of Montana, who is also a former Chair of the Democratic Governor's Association. As many of you know, Gov. Schweitzer is one of the Party's most charismatic and outspoken leaders, and known for his advocacy on alternative energy and conservation issues. He's currently the Chair of the Natural Resource Committee of the Democratic Governors Association and the Chair of the Western Governors Association.

Gov. Schweitzer is also a highly entertaining speaker who has become known for his wit and humor -- and for telling it like it is. I can attest to that after watching him speak at the 2008 DNC Convention in Denver, where he got a standing ovation. You can check out that speech in the video above. He'll be speaking at Netroots Nation in Las Vegas NV before his visit to Albuquerque.

Schweitzer 1_0
Click on image for larger version

Other honored guests of the evening will be led by and Brian Colón -- our gubernatorial ticket -- who'll join many other statewide elected officials and candidates in a show of unity for Dem candidates up and down the ballot. With the GOP bringing in every dollar they can muster locally and nationally to take over the state in a mid-term election year, the DPNM will need our generous support as never before..

Space is limited so the DPNM is encouraging folks to RSVP early to ensure a spot at this exciting and energizing event for New Mexico Democrats. Click for more information.

July 8, 2010 at 04:22 PM in 2010 General Election, Brian Colon, Democratic Party, Energy, Environment, Events, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish | Permalink


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