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Friday, June 18, 2010

Check out Women Count Interview with Rep. Karen Giannini: She Needs Our Support

KarenGiannini One of the NM House seats we need to protect is the one held by Rep. Karen Giannini in District 30 in Albuquerque's Northeast Heights. She originally won the seat two years ago by upsetting GOP Rep. Justine Fox Young by only 164 votes. This year, Rep. Giannini is being challenged by Republican Nate Gentry, a former aide to former Sen. Pete Domenici, who recently moved into the district specifically to run against Karen. You know the GOP will be going all out to recapture the seat and we can't let that happen.

This month, Rep. Giannini was interviewed on Blog Talk Radio's Women Count. You can listen to the interview here or download it as an mp3. Women Count describes Rep. Giannin as "an Emerge grad who against the odds won her seat in NM and then went on to shine a light on the challenges women face, especially single moms like herself, when running for office," and notes that Karen is known as "The Dragonslayer."

The 45-minute interview features Rep. Giannini discussing her background, family, children, career, EMERGE training, how she got involved in politics, her victory in the 2008 election, what she faced during her first term, her take on the November election and more. If you know someone in Rep. Giannini's district or anyone else who might support her campaign, please point them to this interview to learn more about her and why she needs our support.

Whether you live in Karen's district or not, please consider donating to her campaign either through ActBlue.com or by sending a check to 2270-D Wyoming Blvd NE #411, Albuquerque, NM 87112. Every dollar in campaign funding means a lot in a legislative race like this, so please give what you can. Click to friend her on her Facebook page.

June 18, 2010 at 04:32 PM in 2010 NM Legislature Races | Permalink


Isn't she the legislator who wasted time in the special session on the budget by introducing memorials about Pluto being a planet,and NM being recognized as the 47th state.

Seems like we could use someone with more important priorities.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 18, 2010 9:27:06 PM

ched your analysis talents are lacking and juvenile. Head over to one of the Republican blogs where doofuses are appreciated.

Posted by: Jack | Jun 18, 2010 10:35:07 PM

Thanks for the ad hominem attack and the validation it implies for my argument; that Giovanni wasted time during one of the most important special sessions in history with nonsense memorials.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 19, 2010 5:54:46 AM

More so than introducing those memorials, I wonder about the ability of this blog and its authors to hold elected officials accountable for their behavior while in office. Wasn't it Gianinni who took a walk during the special session--thus allowing the speakers tax increase bill to pass? Seems like a legislator whose willing to engage in the same old back door politics. Doesnt her district deserve a representative who actually has the courage to stay in the chamber and vote?

Posted by: short memories | Jun 20, 2010 11:46:48 AM

Yes, let's vote for a Republican scumbag who worked for Pete Domenici and is not from the district. Short memories-recall that Domenici had to pretend he was sick and not run for his seat because he was so tied up in the lies of Bush and his firing of US attorneys.

I know what a Republican would do in this seat-vote to cut education, Medicaid and everything else that helps people. You're not fooling us, troll.

Posted by: Sean | Jun 20, 2010 4:35:50 PM


After reading your comment about Nate Gentry, I went to his site; https://www.voteforgentry.com/

I've never met him, I doubt you have either, but he seems like a stand up guy.

The truth is, based on this and your previous comments on other posts, it obvious that you are the scumbag.

If you had a decent philosophical argument, one way or the other on any issue, I can't imagine why you wouldn't offer it instead of the pathetic ad hominem attacks that seem to be your stock and trade.

He went looking for a purpose in life and ended up serving his community; " ... helping veterans, the disabled and disadvantaged children through Tickets for Joy, a charity he founded to provide free tickets to sporting and fine arts events." , running for political office.

Your search for a purpose in life ended at internet troll; it is ironic that that is the name you choose to use label others.

You are pathetic; it is no wonder you post anonymously. If I were you, thank God I am not, I would want to hide as well.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 20, 2010 5:08:01 PM

The facts are the facts. He was a protege of Domenici and he is a carpetbagger in the district set up there by the same forces that are backing Susana Martinez. Oil money and Texas money are being used to try and take elected positions in this state by outsiders. Like every Republican he would push to cut education, Medicaid and render government inoperative. He against equal rights for all and against measures to protect our environment. He is a plant.

Posted by: Sean | Jun 21, 2010 8:19:30 AM

and you are a bigot.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 21, 2010 7:04:58 PM

ched I notice you don't comment on the facts I presented. I'm not surprised because it's hard to combat facts that really are facts. Almost every problem we face today was created by the GOP mindset and philosophy yet they want back in office? Gentry is just another right wing representative of oil companies, deregulation and rich people's tax cuts.

Posted by: Sean | Jun 22, 2010 8:58:36 AM

I don't know whether he was Domenici's "protege" or not, and frankly wouldn't care about that issue one way or the other anyway. At best it is a specious argument based only in prejudice against Domenici, which in turn is based on your loathing for Republicans which constitutes bigotry.

As far as him being a "carpetbagger", it is an ad hominem attack and I won't dignify it by arguing about it.

As for our problems being caused by a GOP mindset; I don't agree. The "Democratic" mindset, assuming there is such a thing, is as culpable for the mess we are in as Republicans. Democrats have controlled state government for generations; to give them a bye on the corruption and incompetence in state government would be nonsense.

I have not heard Gentry advocate for oil companies, deregulation, or "rich people's tax cuts", so I cannot speak to those issues.

I am willing to bet you fill your gas tank with the product of oil companies and are grateful for gas that costs less than $3 a gallon when in other parts of the world, people pay far more.

Although there are certainly abuses by oil companies, and their profits seem enormous, I'm not sure that makes them evil.

As for deregulation, which you would hang on the Bush administration, the current problem in the gulf appears to be a problem not so much with the lack of regulations and with not enforcing remaining existing regulations, which would make it an Obama administration problem, not a Bush administration problem.

It is OK to have political and philosophical disagreements; they are healthy and necessary. It is not alright to call someone a scumbag simply because you and they don't share the same political ideology.

As far as tax cuts for the "rich"; the founding fathers recognized the right of people to own property. They considered it a human right and a God given right.

I am curious where you think your right to take their property away from them and give it to someone else, simply because they "have too much" or because they "can afford it", comes from.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 22, 2010 6:02:20 PM

ched you are so misinformed it's pathetic and any point you can't refute you put aside as worthless. Every state is in the same shape we are or worse thanks to 8-10 years of right wing policies that have destroyed our economy and almost everything else. DEREGULATION is the main reason.

Our state budget is in trouble like those everywhere else because the financial house of cards constructed by Bush and the Republicans has fallen, causing economies around the globe to teeter. So we are supposed to elect more Republicans? Don't make me laugh.

My disgust with Domenici is because he is a hypocrite preaching fiscal responsibility except when it came to bringing the bacon home to NM or handing out wasteful funding to his pets in the defense establishment. Funny that Republicans hate government spending but praise porkers like Domenici for larding up spending here with the tax dollars of those in states like NY and CA.

He also broke the law by pressuring former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, which is why he had to quit. These are facts not bigotry. Bigotry is what is practiced by Republicans like the AZ governor and the tea party fanatics and haters.

Gentry supports the Republican philosophy which if you haven't noticed centers on kissing up to oil companies, making sure rich people get richer and deregulating everything in site not to mention privatizing everything so corporations can make even more money. If you haven't noticed these policies have resulted in the biggest redistribution of wealth to the already wealthy that has ever occurred.

See-you go off on the property before humans or fairness too because you are one of them. You have your own blog so why not go over there and parrot your right wing talking points? They don't hold water here where facts trump BS.

Posted by: Sean | Jun 23, 2010 8:34:12 AM


You are apparently unable to conduct a civil discussion, and I have lost interest in any further attempt to engage with you.

Have a good life.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 23, 2010 9:11:04 AM

See what I mean? Facts throw ched off track!

Posted by: Sean | Jun 23, 2010 11:12:41 AM

No, arguing with bigots does.

Sean apparently doesn't know the meaning of the word bigotry and I have no interest in trying to explain it to him.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

He begins with another ad hominem attack which I choose to not address.

He goes on to conflate economic hard times and the culture of corruption which exists in Santa Fe, and more or less in other states; apparently not understanding the difference.

He goes on pontificating on deregulation and refuses to address the fact that is it the Obama administration's failure to enforce existing regulations which lies at the heart of the gulf spill.

He babbles on about Domenici bringing home the pork, like Democrats don't. He argues that I am ignorant, yet he doesn't understand that (virtually) all politicians of all parties, survive by feeding pork to their constituents.

Then he makes another bigoted and global generalization about Republicans hating government, when in fact the issue is the size of government, not it's very existence.

If Domenici broke the law, it is up to the Obama administration to hold them accountable and Sean should bitch to them, not me.

Finally, he argues bigotry is at the heart of the Arizona (New Mexico, Texas) immigration problem. Bigotry is the: "stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own" and doesn't play as far as I can see in the immigration issue. If he wants to call names, Sean should be using words like racist and xenophobe which might actually apply. But again, he is bound by his ignorance.

Followed by more ad hominem nonsense which, again, I choose ignore.

Finally, he fails to understand that property rights are an extension of human rights.

Sean is an ignorant, bigoted coward who posts anonymously in order to never have to actually defend his ignorance and bigotry.

I would disengage if I could, but like Herpes, he will never go away.

Sean, please leave me alone and have the life you deserve.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 23, 2010 11:41:39 AM

Sorry ched. Being a strong and loyal believer in Democratic values and candidates and seeing the GOP and its fruitcake base and candidates for who they are isn't bigotry-it's common sense. if you don't see how the right-wing agenda is damaging and delirious you aren't looking. I find that typical of right wing ideologues.

Obama is busy cleaning up messes left and right left by Republicans including the corrupt MMS that was destroyed by them. Wake up.

Posted by: Sean | Jun 23, 2010 12:19:12 PM


Please leave me alone, and get on with your pathetic existence.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 23, 2010 12:28:58 PM

Go back where you came from lol

Posted by: Sean | Jun 23, 2010 1:51:46 PM

Please confirm my surmise that you are a pathetic loser who went looking for a purpose in life, and had to settle for internet troll/stalker by continuing to post.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Jun 23, 2010 2:11:13 PM

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