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Democratic Party of NM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lt. Gov. Candidate Joe Campos Endorsed by Fabian Chavez, Sportsmen's Organization

JoeCampos150 In recent days, Joe Campos announced two more endorsements of his candidacy for New Mexico lieutenant governor in the June 1 Democratic primary.

According to a statement released by the campaign, Fabian Chavez, a legend in New Mexico politics, has come forward with a strong endorsement for Jose Campos for Lieutenant Governor. The Campos camp explained that Fabian Chavez has been called a patriot, an elder statesman, and a loyal public servant, and he is known within the state as "The Lion of the North." Fabian Chavez had a distinguished and honored career serving ten years in the state legislature. Fabian served as the Senate Majority Leader in the early 1960s.

Fabian Chavez issued the following endorsement:

"It is my pleasure to offer my endorsement of Jose Campos for Lt. Governor. I am 85 years old and I have seen New Mexico go through a lot of changes. I have worked with many leaders over my many decades of public service and believe me, I know a leader when I see one. I've watched Jose Campos as he has served 12 years as Mayor in Santa Rosa and his four terms as a state legislator. I know from my time in the legislature, there are followers and there are leaders in the legislature.

"Jose is a leader, a bold leader, who will fight for the people's causes even when it is unpopular among the rank and file politicians. Jose Campos is an intelligent, honest candidate without ties to "pay to play" politicians. Diane Denish deserves a politically clean lieutenant governor running mate.

"Jose didn't ask me for my endorsement. I called him. After considering all the Lieutenant Governor candidates, the choice was clear. We are at a critical time in our history and it is in times like these that I must speak out. Jose is the outstanding candidate in the field and the Democratic Party needs Jose on the ballot with Diane Denish to win in November.

"Jose stands for ethics reform, Jose stands for good jobs, Jose stands for better education and I am proud to stand for Jose. I am asking all Democrats to support Jose. I want our party to succeed and win in November and a Denish/Campos ticket is the strongest ticket for New Mexico."

In response, Rep. Campos said, "I was very humbled when Fabian called me to offer his endorsement. Fabian was the people's champion and his career as a public servant has inspired me to be the best that I can be for the people. I remember my father taking me to the state capital, and we would sit in the gallery in the roundhouse. We went there just to hear Fabian speak. He was a great orator, a great man, and he made a powerful impression on me. I'll not forget the night Fabian called me with his endorsement. As a leader for the people, I will try my hardest to live up to his expectations."

The campaign announced yesterday it has also received what was called "an emphatic endorsement" from a sportsman's organization that has led the fight to preserve state trust lands and ensure public access to the state land. Max Trujillo, on behalf of the Sportsmen Concerned of Northern New Mexico (SCNNM), Las Vegas Chapter, announced the endorsement.

It reads in part, "We proudly stand with Jose Campos and pledge our support while encouraging our fellow sportsmen of the great state of New Mexico to do the same." The endorsement says of Representative Campos, "When we as sportsmen and citizens have a chance to endorse and support a candidate with conviction and who is honest and reliable, we must seize the opportunity to take action and be counted." The endorsement concludes, "We wish you luck and we look forward to, and will be proud of saying, 'We the sportsmen of New Mexico stand behind and with our next Lieutenant Governor, Joe Campos.'"

The campaign pointed out that Max Trujillo and the SCNNM, along with Rep. Joe Campos, have led the fight to ensure public access and preservation of Whites Peak, a 40,000 acre state trust land tract in northeast New Mexico near Ocate. The tract is characterized as pristine mountain, alpine meadow, lake and riparian territory, and the location of some of the finest public hunting and sporting grounds in the state.

A part of the Whites Peak tract was proposed to be disposed of in a controversial land swap proposed by the NM State Land Commissioner. The swap was vigorously opposed by the SCNNM and the New Mexico Wildlife Federation.

State Rep. Joe Campos, working with State Rep. Thomas Garcia, introduced House Memorial 45 in the 2010 legislative session to oppose and suspend land swap negotiations involving Whites Peak.

The campaign said that, on April 28, 2010, Representative Campos journeyed to the Whites Peak area with Max Trujillo and Ed Olona, President of the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, to view the Whites Peak wilderness and see first-hand the obstacles placed by certain ranch owners to block access to Whites Peak.

"I know Max and his organization are committed to promoting responsible stewardship of these state trust lands," said Campos. "These lands are a New Mexico treasure, a habitat for diverse wildlife including magnificent elk herds. Generations of New Mexicans have experienced the wilderness and serene beauty of Whites Peak and I am proud to stand with New Mexico's sportsmen in working to preserve this natural resource. Max is a man of outstanding character. The organization for which he serves as President deserves the support of all New Mexicans for their tireless work towards conserving our wildlife areas, and I am honored to have their endorsement."

Clik to see all our previous posts about the 2010 lieutenant governor's race in New Mexico.

May 19, 2010 at 01:41 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Land Issues | Permalink


Jose is on a roll , the Santa Fe New Mexican says Jose Campos is the best running mate for Diane Denish.

Go Jose Campos!

Posted by: Santiago S | May 20, 2010 10:51:13 PM

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