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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Friday at Scalo: Young Professionals Event to Benefit Judge Linda Vanzi for NM Court of Appeals

From the Committee to Keep Judge Linda Vanzi:

Reminder: Please Join
Esteban Aguilar, Jr. - Erika Anderson - Tyler Atkins & Tiffany Mercado - Jason Bousliman - Vanessa Chavez - Angela Chavez-Adkins - Martha Chicoski - Collins & Collins, P.C. - Amber Creel - Nancy Cronin - Katie Curry & Matt Myers - Pat Davis - Leticia Delgado - Christine Dexel - Camilla Dominguez - Claire Dudley - Megan Duffy - Katy Duhigg - Brendan Egan - Josh Ewing - Heather Ferguson - Erin Ferreira - Matthew Garcia - Kevin Gick - Justin Gonzalez - Sen. Eric Griego - Nikko Harada - Jane & Josh Herbert - Larry Horan - Sen. Tim Keller - Julianna Koob - Juliet Lee - Larry Marcus - Maria Martinez - Ramona Martinez - Heather Massoth - Erin McSherry - Brian Morris - Nicole Moss - Amelia Nelson - Chris O'Cleireachain - Erin O'Connell - Rep. Al Park - Tony Pedroncelli - Feliz Rael - Carolyn Ramos - Ryan Randall - Ryan Roehl - Giovanna Rossi - Antonia Roybal-Mack - Alex Russell - Pia Salazar - Joseph & DeAnza Sapien - Molly Schmidt-Nowara - Christina Sheehan - Kelly Stout - Antoinette Tellez-Humble - Bruce Thompson - Heather Townsend - Sara Traub - Ryan Villa - Kerry Caitlin Winkless-Hall - and others

For a Young Professionals Event in Support of
Judge Linda Vanzi
to Benefit Her Campaign for
Re-Election to the Court of Appeals

Friday, May 14, 2010, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Scalo Northern Italian Grill

3500 Central SE, Albuquerque, NM
Refreshments and Hors D'oeuvres Provided
Suggested Contribution:, $25.00 Per Person
Click for flyer (pdf)

Please RSVP to Katy Duhigg at (505) 980-4933 or katyduhigg@gmail.com. Contributions may be brought to the event or be made payable and sent to: Committee to Keep Judge Linda Vanzi, 8500 Menaul Blvd. NE, Suite A530, Albuquerque, NM 87112.

May 12, 2010 at 08:58 AM in 2010 Judicial Races, Events | Permalink




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