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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Former Governor Toney Anaya Endorses Judge Linda Vanzi in New Mexico Court of Appeals Race

LindaVanzi120 Former Governor Toney Anaya announced his endorsement of Judge Linda Vanzi for the New Mexico Court of Appeals today. Judge Linda Vanzi was selected by the judicial nominating commission, and appointed to the New Mexico Court of Appeals by Governor Bill Richardson in 2008. By State law, Judges must stand for election in one partisan contest after appointment. Judge Vanzi faces opposition in the Democratic Primary on June 1st.

"As Governor, I always sought to appoint honest and ethical Judges to serve our courts every time there was a vacancy for me to fill. I still believe those should be the standards for judges," said Governor Anaya in a written statement. "Judges who are selected by merit and uphold the high standards imposed on us by the New Mexico State Bar; Judges who have respect for the law, the clients they serve and the State of New Mexico; and Judges who will work hard, be principled and stand with integrity. It is for these reasons, I am proud to stand with Judge Linda Vanzi for the New Mexico Court of Appeals."

"I am honored by the support of Governor Anaya," Judge Vanzi said. "He served our state well and was a tireless advocate for everyday New Mexicans. I share his vision for the judiciary and strive to uphold integrity and high ethical standards from the bench."

Judge Vanzi has also been endorsed by Council 18 of AFSCME; the Albuquerque Police Officers' Association (APOA); Iron Workers Local Union No. 495; Office & Professional Employees International Union, Local 25; International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 492; Communications Workers of America, Local 7076; New Mexico Professional Firefighters Association; United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 1564; the Victory Fund; International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 953; and the New Mexico Building and Construction Trades Council.

For more information on the campaign to Keep Judge Linda Vanzi, contact Sandra Wechsler @ (505) 231-5866 or sawechsler@gmail.com.

May 11, 2010 at 10:19 AM in 2010 Judicial Races | Permalink


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