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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dem BernCo Sheriff Candidate Pat Davis Raises $11.5K in Four Weeks

PatDavis The Pat Davis for Bernalillo County Sheriff campaign reports that with the closing of the second finance reporting period yesterday, 'Sheriff Pat' supporters exceeded the campaign's fundraising goal for the month of April.

During the first three months of the year, Davis' supporters contributed just over $10,000 to his campaign for Sheriff. The campaign set a goal of $10,000 in this last reporting period, and supporters exceeded that by giving more than $11,500 to the campaign during just four weeks -- quite an achievement, especially in a county sheriff's race.

"As a leader that works with the community, I am pleased to report that 100% of the contributions came from our communities," said Davis. "I am proud to remain the only candidate who is 100% community supported! I am humbled that so many people have stepped forward to support and endorse me in this race. Please continue to tell your friends, family, and co-workers about my campaign."

The campaign also noted that supporters raised more money than five other candidates (and more than twice that of their next closest opponent) vying for the Democratic Sheriff's nomination. "These benchmarks are important for campaigns because they draw a distinct difference between the candidates and campaigns in this race, Davis said. "Our momentum has never been stronger."

"Today, we have less than three weeks left before Bernalillo County chooses its Democratic nominee for Sheriff," Davis added. "There is not a moment to lose! Your hard work and dedication are paying off and our momentum is building. Every donation from $10 to $100 goes directly to getint out the vote for the June 1 primary."

"This is a critical week for fundraising, as the money we raise goes directly to turn out voters," Davis said. "Please, help me continue the momentum and continue to move this campaign forward to electing the right Sheriff for Bernalillo County!"

How to donate to the campaign:

The 'Sheriff Pat' campaign is also seeking volunteers for door-to-door canvassing and phone banking. To learn more, email pat@SheriffPat.org or call (505) 750-8560.

You can also join Pat Davis on Facebook.

May 12, 2010 at 09:56 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race | Permalink


Great work, Pat! Bravo!

Posted by: Proud Democrat | May 12, 2010 12:34:07 PM

Oh yea sure, your the best candidate for sheriff. NOT!! So you can raise money and conduct your self with the traditional ways. Look ese we got a serious problem in New Mexico and it lies with the trust of the community do you seriously think you can step up to the plate and re-assuer the public that you will fight crime and increase community support? What seems fishy is you are walking the "Misomo Camino" that these other gringos have. And all that has done is lock up more raza, and divide the community even more. I am so fed up of these politicians raisning there funds just to feed the apetite of the commercial sector of our society. COme to the barrios and campaign, especially late night and early morning lets see if you got what it takes to see the gente suffering and struggeling in a life over looked by politicians who want to feed there own egos and look good in a suit. Challe you do not have what it takes.

Posted by: BIG ROG | May 16, 2010 2:59:18 PM

Weren't you the guy who voted for Darren White. Stop with the bs ethnic stuff and judge candidates by what they stand for.

Posted by: WE | May 16, 2010 3:23:28 PM

Pat Davis has experience in all kinds of law enforcement situations and is the only candidate selected to receive special training at the FBI. What do he other candidates have? Vote for Sheriff Pat.

Posted by: gordie | May 17, 2010 4:46:04 PM



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