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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Re-Election Campaign Events Coming up for Rep. Eleanor Chavez

One of the New Mexico House seats we need to protect this election cycle is in Albuquerque's District 13 and held by progressive Democrat Eleanor Chavez. She and her supporters worked very hard to win the seat two years ago, defeating long-tme incumbent Rep. Dan Silva in the Democratic primary in the process. You may recall it caused a ruckus. Rep. Chavez is now starting up her re-election campaign and needs our help. Even if you don't live in Eleanor's district, please consider volunteering and/or donating to her campaign. It's important that we help Rep. Chavez keep her seat. Although she has no Republican opponent, she has a conservative challenger in the Democratic primary who's reportedly being backed by special interests.

From the Campaign to Re-Elect Rep. Eleanor Chavez:

Join the Re-election Campaign. We want you! Join us this Saturday, April 10, from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM at Eleanor's home at 1307 Del Mastro NW (map) for a Brunch Field Launch. From here we will doorknock in the neighborhood and kick-off Eleanor's re-election campaign!

And if there are other ways that you would like to help the campaign besides doorknocking, let us know! For more info contact Keegan King at 505-552-2050/ keegank@gmail.com or Celia Fraire at 505-401-4609.

You're Invited! Please join us Sunday, April 18th, from 3:00 to 6:00 PM at the home of Roberto and Ruth Contreras for a house party on behalf of Eleanor. Come and enjoy a spaghetti dinner while you learn more about Eleanor, the campaign and how you can get involved. Their house is located at 3320 Vista Del Sur NW (map).

Please consider donating to Eleanor's ActBlue page for online campaign contributions. You can contact Eleanor at eleanorchavez@gmail.com.

April 7, 2010 at 04:29 PM in 2010 NM Legislature Races, Events | Permalink


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