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Monday, April 05, 2010

Governor Bill Richardson Announces First “Milagro at Los Luceros” Workshops

Governor Bill Richardson today announced that applications will be accepted for audition workshops offered in locations around the state through the Milagro at Los Luceros initiative and the New Mexico Filmmakers Program. Native American, Hispanic and African American residents of New Mexico who are interested in acting are encouraged to apply for the workshops, which will help participants develop the essential skills needed for casting calls.

“These workshops are the first of many exciting and valuable programs to be offered to New Mexicans by Milagro at Los Luceros,” said Governor Richardson in a statement released today. “By presenting these workshops in local communities across the state we are providing more convenient access to expert training.”

The workshops will be held the week of April 19 in Albuquerque, Española, Gallup, Las Cruces and Roswell. Participants in these workshops will also be considered for participation in a two-day actor’s lab that will be held May 7 and 8, 2010.

Applications, and the exact dates, times and locations of the workshops will be available Tuesday, April 6, from the New Mexico Film office website at www.nmfilm.com. Applications must be submitted electronically no later than 6:00 PM on Monday, April 12, 2010. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and residents of New Mexico.

Governor Richardson also announced that a one-day writer's lab, entitled “Designed Obstacles,” will be held at Los Luceros on May 1. The workshop will be led by award winning writer/director Joan Tewkesbury. Instructions for applying for the workshop will be posted later this week on the New Mexico Film Office website.

Milagro at Los Luceros is a collaboration that includes Robert Redford, the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, and the New Mexico Film Office, which is part of the state’s Economic Development Department. Its mission is to create and expand training programs in film, arts, and the environment, concentrating on Hispanic, Native American, African American and other underrepresented voices.

The name Milagro at Los Luceros refers to “The Milagro Beanfield War,” the 1988 film directed by Mr. Redford and shot on location in Truchas, New Mexico.

The initiative is headquartered at Los Luceros which lies northeast of the town of Alcalde, New Mexico. Los Luceros was added to the National Registry of Historic Places in 1983. The New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs purchased and operates the 148-acre property and is preserving its historic nature and integrity for the purpose of cultural, artistic, environmental, and educational activities.

The site of Los Luceros is currently undergoing renovation and construction, scheduled for completion by January of 2011.

See our previous posts on Milagro at Los Luceros here and here.

April 5, 2010 at 05:28 PM in Education, Events, Film, Gov. Bill Richardson | Permalink


My tax dollars at work. Why are we funding this racist program when teachers are losing their jobs.

Posted by: Zin Graves | Apr 6, 2010 7:01:57 AM

This is a wonderful opportunity for New Mexicans and the state as a whole. We are so lucky that we were picked for this project which has a chance of being as important and well known as the Sundance Institute.

Posted by: Erin | Apr 6, 2010 7:59:14 AM

NM is a great source for beautiful Hispanic and Native actors. NM is a great source for fantastic characters that make culture and entertainment engaging. This is only forward thinking because the majority of the U.S. population will soon be Hispanic. Diverse races and culture should be cast in mainstream entertainment as a normalized rule to reflect the American demographic.

Posted by: qofdisks | Apr 6, 2010 9:37:47 AM

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