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Friday, April 02, 2010

April 10: Kiwanis Hosts Early Childhood Resource Fair in Albuquerque

From Kiwanis Young Children Priority One:
Kiwanis is bringing the early childhood community together for free fun for all children and families at Tiguex Park on Saturday, April 10th, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. As an opportunity to kickoff the National Week of the Young Child Campaign, this event will highlight our early childhood community agencies and resources that support a most precious commodity: our young children.

On April 10th, Tiquex Park will be filled with groups and organizations ready to share their information and resources! Come enjoy free activities like face painting, clowns and fun for all children and family members! Hear live musical performances by Kevin Hughes, Joe De Bonis and Wagogo, Albuquerque world beat music! There will be nutritious food and snacks and a chance to meet PBSKids characters from Martha Speaks and Ruff Ruffman of Fetch! Plus much more!

The event is sponsored by Kiwanis International, which encourages all clubs worldwide to be visible in their community on One Day. This year, Kiwanis One Day is April 10, which is also the beginning of the National Week of the Young Child. Kiwanis has brought the community together because all share a core mission of supporting young children (birth to 8) and their families.

“Building on our belief that early childhood development should be THE most important issue on EVERY agenda for improving conditions in New Mexico, a most healthy and loving early childhood experience will improve our schools, the safety of our neighborhoods, our healthcare systems, our workforce and therefore our entire economy,” said Dave Orner of Kiwanis Young Children Priority One.

If you would like more information about this event please contact: Dave Orner at 256-8877 or email at dorner6@comcast.net.

April 2, 2010 at 08:42 AM in Children and Families, Events, Music | Permalink


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