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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Stephanie DuBois Guest Blog: My PRC Campaign in District 2

StephanieDuBois110 This is a guest blog by Stephanie DuBois of Tularosa, a Democratic candidate for the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) in District 2.

On March 16, 2010, I filed to run for the PRC seat in District 2 as a Democrat. Along with my petition signatures I turned in 208 of the required 178 five-dollar donations to qualify for public money. I ran for this position on public money four years ago. I defeated my Democratic opponent on public money, but I wasn't successful against the incumbent Republican, David King. I had much less money in the general than I had in the primary. But I did prove that public money can effect a competitive campaign.

I strongly believe that the best way a Commissioner can be independent in his or her decision making is to run a publicly financed campaign. A publicly funded candidate for elected office cannot take corporate, PAC or union contributions -- an important factor in running for a position on a regulatory body that oversees utility rates, insurance and the many other entities that this commission of five regulates.

At the Dona Ana County Democratic Convention

I support renewable energy as long as it is affordable. New Mexico could very well be the leader in all kinds of renewable energy. With the technology at Sandia and Los Alamos labs and New Mexico's sun and wind, our state will draw companies seeking to compete for alternatives ways to decrease our need for fossil fuels and oil. I also believe these innovations into alternative energy will create good-paying jobs that we must protect and not allow to be sent to other countries. We are no longer a manufacturing country, but renewable/alternative energy companies could bring manufacturing jobs back to New Mexico.

I look forward to working with all on the Commission. I especially look forward to working with those utility companies that have provided opportunities through fiber-optics extending communications, and our electric providers that bring the conveniences of life, not only to inner cities but to the rural areas where irrigation pumps are the life line for farmers and ranchers and for the overall economy of New Mexico.

As a citizen of New Mexico since 1978 -- living first in Deming for 12 years and now in Tularosa -- I have always volunteered my time to those communities in any capacity where needed. I will have an open door policy and will respond to the people's questions and inquiries.

I do want to thank all those who helped me get to this point and allowing me to be placed on the ballot. I want the public to know that I know right from wrong and I will be the best PRC commissioner that I can be.

If you'd like to learn more or volunteer for the campaign, contact me at or 575-430-1640.

Stephanie DuBois will be uncontested on the June Democratic primary ballot. Current Land Commissioner, Patrick Lyons, and Robert Corn, a former judge in Roswell, are battling for the nomination on the Republican primary ballot. The District 2 seat is being vacated by Republican David King, who is term limited.

This is a guest blog by Stephanie DuBois. If you'd like to submit a piece for a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

March 23, 2010 at 11:00 AM in 2010 NM PRC Races, Guest Blogger | Permalink


I am a big believer in publicly funded campaigns and applaud and support your effort Stephanie to serve without conflict of interest.
We need your voice to help bring renewable energy revenue to NM, thank you for giving even more of your time and running for this important office.

Posted by: Victoria Copeland | Mar 24, 2010 7:11:27 PM

I've known Stephanie for some time, she has nothing but the best interests of the consumers at heart. She will be an advocate who will sincerely make every effort to protect working families from excessive rate increases, done in a common sense fashion. I respectfully ask all Democrats to support this hard-working, ethical woman-she will go to bat for all of us every single day that she is in office. Good luck, Steph!

Posted by: Steve Brockett | Mar 24, 2010 8:45:38 PM

I would sure like to see Stephanie win. There are some other issues I would like to see dealt with, like the arbitrary settings for home insurance rates. I complained about having to insure my $900 woodshed, which I built, for over $7,000, and my insurance agent just smiled and said that the PRC set those rates. Suggested by the insurance companies, perhaps?

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Mar 24, 2010 9:03:36 PM

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