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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Campos for Lt. Gov. Campaign Weighs in on Ballot Decision

JoeCamposConvention140 In response to the ruling made by Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Javier Gonzales today on Democratic primary ballot access for Joe Campos in the Lieutenant Governor race, the Campos campaign released this statement:

The Jose Campos for Lieutenant Governor Campaign announced today that Joe will be on the Democratic Primary ballot in June. "We took on the Richardson machine and won," declared Representative Campos. Campos had received 355 votes for Lieutenant Governor on Saturday at the Democratic Pre-Primary convention, and the 20% threshold was mistakenly calculated and should have been 355 to receive the Democratic Party certification to be on the ballot.

The State Party Chairman Javier Gonzales acknowledged that the Party should have determined that Jose had qualified on Saturday at the Democratic Convention, as the Election Handbook of the State of New Mexico stipulates (Section 1-1-20 2009 ed.). Joe appreciates the support of the many county chairs who supported his protest and the right to be on the ballot.

"I've been a fighter my whole life," declared Campos, "I fought to keep Canon Air Force Base open, I fought to revitalize District 63 and my hometown of Santa Rosa, and I'm fighting now to represent the people's interests in Santa Fe as the next Lieutenant Governor of the great State of New Mexico."

Later in the day, the Campos campaign released a second statement on this matter.

March 16, 2010 at 06:06 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Democratic Party, Joe Campos | Permalink


So based on this statement:

"We took on the Richardson machine and won," declared Representative Campos"

the question is - who is Richardson's candidate in this race? We all know he has to have one. I know it ain't Lopez and it probably ain't Ortiz y Pino so its gotta be either Rael or Colon. My vote is for Colon. Expiring minds want to know!

Posted by: mwfolsom | Mar 16, 2010 8:32:51 PM

I don't like Campos taking this line of attack. Richardson is over with. He has no horse in this race and there is no machine. I wish he'd take the high road instead of beating a dead horse. I've been impressed with Campos but I don't like this BS.

Posted by: Slingo | Mar 16, 2010 8:56:18 PM

Richardson caused the legislature a lot of grief by refusing to allow consideration of repealing the 2003 tax cut and capital gains cut for the wealthy.

I'm very disappointed with Big Bill and I can understand Campos' feelings. Campos is one of the Democrats who voted against the food tax.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Mar 16, 2010 9:20:49 PM

Obviously he is pissed -

Note he even listed the section of the Handbook that supported his case. The implication is quite clear - somebody in the Democratic Party was playing fast and loose with the rules and he had to pull out all the stops to be treated fairly. Maybe he has a reason to be mad -

Posted by: mwfolsom | Mar 16, 2010 9:26:36 PM

For months Democrats have been tip-toeing around Richardson and his pick for Lt. Gov. "Alligators" on Joe Monahan's site have even speculated on who is whom's "boy". Now Campos comes out and shows he's nobody's boy. All I can say is "wow!" This is either really brilliant or just plain foolhardy. I'm just not sure which. Best of luck to you Campos. You have my vote!

Posted by: Shock&Awe | Mar 16, 2010 9:44:50 PM

Joe, this is a laughable charge. There is no machine and for you to say it is foolish and dishonest because you know better. Is Denish in the machine too? Who else?

The GOP is saying that. At least have the guts to say who you're accusing. What you say is so vague it can mean anything but it's nothing but a smear. I would be critical of any candidate who said this. If you can't run on your talents and positions, don't run.

Posted by: Think Twice | Mar 16, 2010 10:06:33 PM

Looks like we've got a fighter. If Lady Di wants to distance herself from the Big R, it seems she may find her man in Campos. Colon has numerous ties to R. Ortiz & Pino outlined them at the last DFNM Lt Gov Forum, including his service as treasurer for Richardson's Moving American Forward foundation which has refused to disclose donors (albeit legally). Rael's claim to fame, touted and tooted at the Pre-Primary Convention, is the Railrunner, a Richardson pet project. Ultimately, the voters will decide if it matters or not.

Posted by: True Blue | Mar 16, 2010 10:10:36 PM

And those are horrible things? Ha. Worse that Joe voted for the guns in restaurants bill and against the treatment not jail bill.

Posted by: Tut Tut | Mar 16, 2010 10:17:03 PM

Like I said, ultimately the voters will decide.

Posted by: True Blue | Mar 16, 2010 10:31:11 PM

yes, great job joe. there will always be people who try and get there guy elected, regardless of the rules, its ok, its up to that person to follow the rules and prove where they stand. joe will have a great showing this election. lets not fight each other. lets be honest and let the voters choose the best person to be lt gov. lets stop the speculation about what is what. lets pick someone good, that will be able to beat repubs.

Posted by: george | Mar 16, 2010 11:07:51 PM

Campos does not have a chance in this race. Third, without deep pockets this will be impossible. He may as well, he has nothing else to do. His party was just kicked out of Santa Rosa.

Posted by: Rob S | Mar 18, 2010 2:12:34 PM



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