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Democratic Party of NM

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Photos Part 1: Diane Denish Nominated for Governor at DPNM Pre-Primary Convention 2010

Denish speaks to the crowd accepting nomination

This is one of a series of posts about this weekend's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention. Check back for more photos, videos and commentary on all the action as we get everything processed and organized. Click to see the whole series of posts.

Below is a photo slideshow of the first part of the Democratic Party of New Mexico's 2010 Pre-Primary Convention held on Saturday, March 12, at Buffalo Thunder Resort on Pojoaque Pueblo. The gathering was historic in a number of ways -- there were more delegates than ever before, it was the first Democratic Convention anywhere held on sovereign tribal land and Diane Denish is the first woman ever nominated for governor in the state.

Click for larger version or photo album

The huge crowd of delegates and other Democrats was welcomed to the Convention by Chairman Javier Gonzales and Pojoaque Pueblo Governor George Rivera. The Los Alamos High School Color Guard and Pojoaque Pueblo Buffalo Dancers opened the ceremonies. Dorothy Gonzales sang the National Anthem, Army Staff Sergeant Kevin P. Holmes led the Pledge of Allegiance and Kathy Duffy, President of the New Mexico Democratic Women, led the Pledge to the New Mexico flag.

Lt. Governor Diane Denish was nominated as a candidate for governor by New Mexico's Senior Senator Jeff Bingaman.

Denish stepped away from the podium and delivered her speech town-hall style, bringing the cheering crowd to its feet as she gave her acceptance speech outlining a "New Way Forward for New Mexico" to nearly two thousand energized Democratic delegates in Buffalo Thunder's packed main ballroom. As she said, "I'm going to do things a little differently. Because I am going to be a different kind of governor."

"As governor I'll be fighting every day for middle-class families -- to create jobs and to strengthen and transform education so that every child in New Mexico can succeed," Denish told the crowd. "And what about New Mexico's small businesses? The people who have a good idea, get a loan and hire their neighbors -- they are the best job creators we have."

"People ask me why I would want to be governor when times are so tough? I tell them because now is when it matters most. Times are tough, no doubt about it -- but New Mexicans are tougher. We can't rely on Wall Street bailouts. We have to pull together like a family and kick-start the economic recovery ourselves. We must help small businesses expand by cutting red tape and invest in our workforce so that we can compete for the high-wage jobs of the future."

March 14, 2010 at 07:55 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Democratic Party, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Sen. Tom Udall | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) Back from the DPNM Pre-Primary Convention: Down from the Mountains and Through the Snow

Update: The preliminary hand recount is over and here are the latest results for the Lt. Gov. race:

VoteBlueCr We're back in Albuquerque after The-Best-New-Mexico-Democratic-Convention-Ever. Energy, enthusiasm and Democrats galore all weekend at Buffalo Thunder. We drove back late this morning through a blowing snowstorm that turned into wind and rain that turned into spectacular cloud formations all around with big sunbeams breaking through and spotlighting the snow-sprinkled mountains surrounding us. We're in a great mood and we'll be working hard to get all our photos, videos and commentary ready for publication but, at the moment, we're eating breakfast burritos and catching our breath.

If you haven't yet seen the results of the three main contested races, here they are:

Lieutenant Governor

Land Commissioner

NM Court of Appeals

* = qualified for primary ballot without the need to submit additional signatures. The rest will have to submit more signatures within 10 days.

NOTE: Joe Campos missed the ballot cutoff by one vote, or he made the number needed exactly -- depending on how certain percentages are handled. He and Harry Montoya and Sandy Jones each called for a recount, which reportedly is still ongoing.

I'll be back soon with more, but at this point we want to extend big thanks for a job well done and so much hard work to Chairman Javier Gonzales and all of the Party officers, as well as the staff and volunteers of the Democratic Party of New Mexico! This was one for the history books in more ways than one. Gracias and congratulations to all involved!

March 14, 2010 at 01:48 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 Judicial Races, 2010 NM Land Commissioner Race, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Democratic Party, Jerry Otiz y Pino, Joe Campos, Lawrence Rael, Linda Lopez | Permalink | Comments (22)

Friday, March 12, 2010

2,160 Delegates to Attend DPNM Pre-Primary Convention This Weekend


When Democrats claim we're the party of the people, we mean it. This weekend approximately (up to) 2,160 delegates will be on hand to hear speeches, vote for primary candidates, get motivated and talk politics with fellow Dems from all over the state during the DPNM Pre-Primary Convention at Buffalo Thunder Resort in Pojaoque. The media is welcome all day Saturday when delegates attend the Party's business meeting from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM to determine the order of primary candidates on the Dem ballot and whether or not candidates will need to gather more petition signatures. They need to get at least 20% of the vote to get on the ballot automatically for the June 2, 2010 primary.

This is the largest convention Democrats have ever held in the state -- owing in large part to the huge Democratic turnout in 2008 and the multitude of wins we had up and down the ticket. We need to make that happen again, and this weekend will kick off the mighty effort to do just that.

The Grand OLD Party of NO? Their pre-primary convention is also this Saturday, at the Albuquerque Hilton. But there's a big difference. Only 450 delegates or so will be attending and each delegate has to pay a fee to participate. Even worse, the word is no media will be allowed into their business meeting. Maybe GOP gubernatorial candidate Janice Arnold Jones can sneak in a webcam to increase the transparency -- if she's willing to face the wrath of the secretive Republican powers that be. Don't bet on it!

DPNM Chairman Javier Gonzales and the rest of the DPNM officers, staff and hard-working volunteers have put together quite a weekend for delegates. The Dem festivities start today, with early registration from 3:00 to 7:00 PM. Then from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, delegates and their guests can attend a Young Democrats Unity Rally hosted by Speaker Ben Lujan and Congressman Ben Ray Lujan and various receptions hosted by candidates. From 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM, all are welcome at a free Vanilla Pop concert hosted by Lt. Governor Diane Denish.

Saturday, registration and candidate tabling runs from 8:00 to 10:00 AM followed by the DPNM business meeting from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. New Mexico's Senior Senator, Jeff Bingaman, will nominate for Governor. There'll be barn-burning speeches by all the candidates up and down the ticket, as well as folks formally nominating them, a short performance by the Buffalo Dancers of Pojaoque Pueblo, approval of the State Party Platform and voting for the candidates. Results should be announced near the end of the meeting. From 4:30 to 6:00 PM, there'll be a performance by the National Dance Institute and from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, there'll be concerts by Mariachi Tenampa and Tobias Rene hosted by Pojoaque Pueblo.

We are family. Count on it.

March 12, 2010 at 01:13 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, Democratic Party, Events, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish | Permalink | Comments (4)

Photos & Video: Diane Denish Rallies Dems at WESST En Route to Convention 2010

Click for larger version or album

Lt. Governor got an energetic send off yesterday on the road to this weekend's Democratic Party of New Mexico Pre-Primary Convention. She appeared at a rally of loyal supporters at WESST, a small business incubator in Albuquerque. It was the perfect setting for discussing one of Denish's primary goals -- to do whatever she can to help create and nourish small businesses and the vital jobs they produce.

WESST is a nonprofit organization providing quality entrepreneurial services throughout the state of New Mexico, and Denish has long been involved in supporting their critical work and similar efforts around the state.

Denish speaks to supporters at WESST

Small business and job development would be one of the top goals of a Denish administration, and the Lt. Governor spoke about that, education, ethics, health care and a few other topics in her comments to supporters last night. Check out the video above for her entire speech -- well worth a listen. A few excerpts:

"We have to have a new way of doing business in Santa Fe, and we're gonna create that," Denish said. "We will have a NO TOLERANCE policy for any kind of corruption in a Diane Denish administration. We will make sure that we're holding public officials accountable."

"The race is on," Denish proclaimed. "Every single day there are five Republicans who are getting up thinking about one thing: Who can beat Diane Denish? How do we beat her up today? What is it she's done wrong? Did the Lobos win or lose today? Is it her fault that they lost? That's the kind of thing that's happening. So I'm gonna need all of you by my side every step of the way to help me win in November. Because winning in November will help us create the New Way Forward in 2011 with a new governor."

"I will fight every single day for that job creation," Diane continued. I'm on the side of New Mexicans. I'm on your side and I'll fight like hell to make sure people know about that."

"I promise you I'll be a new kind of governor,"Denish added. "I'll be a new kind of candidate. I'll be shaking every hand. I'll be knocking on every door. I'll be visiting every nook and cranny throughout New Mexico to make sure that I hear the stories of New Mexicans -- that when I go to the governor's office they will know that I have heard their story, that I care about them, that I am committed to New Mexico."

"I need you to be on that walk with me," she said. "... will you stick with me? Will you get up every morning and say how can we help Diane Denish be governor for New Mexico? Will you wake up every day and say how can we create a new way for New Mexico? I'm ready for the challenge. I need you with me! Will you march with me for the next 232 days?"

Denish was introduced at the rally by Bernalillo County Commissioner Art De La Cruz; Navajo Nation Vice President Ben Shelley and WESST Executive Director Agnes Noonan, who all had positive words to say about Denish's work on behalf of job creation and support for small businesses.

WESST's Agnes Noonan addresses the crowd

Watch the video above to hear Agnes Noonan's enthusiastic introduction of Lt. Gov. Denish and her comments on Diane's work on behalf of small businesses, education and financial literacy. Excerpt:

"I have known Diane Denish and worked with her for over 15 years and I cannot think of a more committed champion for our state and for our small businesses throughout our state," said Noonan. "She was the champion for making available nearly 20 million dollars in loan capital to small businesses throughout the state through the Small Business Investment Council." Noonan characterized Denish as "a leader of the highest integrity." She's right.

All photos and video by M.E. Broderick.

March 12, 2010 at 11:34 AM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Business, Democratic Party, Events, Jobs, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish | Permalink | Comments (1)



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