Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mike Anaya Endorses Ray Powell, Drops Out of NM Land Commissioner Race

Powell accepting nomination at Pre-Primary Convention: Why should you care about the Land Office? It looks after 13 million acres of your public lands -- hundreds of billions of dollars of your public natural resources, a $10B permanent fund.

In an announcement on Santa Fe Radio KSWV or Qué Suave this morning, Santa Fe County Commissioner and State Land Office candidate Mike Anaya endorsed Ray Powell for State Land Commissioner and has ended his bid for the seat.

Both men were on the radio to discuss the endorsement and the importance of the position.

“I’m honored to have the support of Commissioner Mike Anaya,” said Ray Powell. “As I’ve come to better know Mike, it’s clear he’s passionate about his support for rural communities. It’s clear he got into the race for all the right reasons: he’s dedicated to bettering the lives of New Mexican families.”

“We see eye-to-eye on the need for strengthening local economies and taking care of important state lands like White Peak,” said Ray Powell.

“I appreciate Mike Anaya’s offer to help my campaign, especially given his deep understanding and appreciation of the importance of our working lands and his breadth of knowledge of issues facing New Mexico’s families,” Ray continued. Mike Anaya and his brothers and extended family have a family ranch in Stanley, New Mexico.

Speaking to why he’s supporting Ray Powell, Mike Anaya had this to say:

“We’ve seen the smart leadership Ray brought to the Land Office. He knows the land, he knows New Mexicans, and he knows the job. I trust him and believe he’s is the best choice for Land Commissioner.”

“Ray’s is committed to preserving the farming and ranching traditions on our state lands in New Mexico. He will maintain access for sportsmen”

More info on Ray Powell:

Ray Powell is running in the Democratic Primary against Sandy Jones and Harry Montoya. At the March 13 Democratic Pre-Primary convention, Ray Powell received 44% of the delegate vote and became the only candidate to qualify at the Pre-Primary for the June 1 ballot. Candidates must receive at least 20% in order be on the Primary ballot without having to gather and submit additional petition signatures.

Ray Powell is running for Land Commissioner on a platform of reform in the State Land Office, creating economic development, and conserving and protecting New Mexico’s valuable public lands.

Ray Powell served as Land Commissioner from 1993-2002 and worked with opposing groups to find common interests and solve problems. His accomplishments won praise from business and agriculture groups, sportsmen, academic researchers, and conservationists.

Ray Powell is a veterinarian and currently works as a regional director for the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research Education and Conservation in Santa Fe. 

Video by M.E. Broderick.

March 23, 2010 at 02:39 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Land Commissioner Race | Permalink | Comments (6)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Videos: Lt. Gov. Candidate Speeches at 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention

This another in a series of posts about last weekend's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention. We've only got a few more posts to go. Phew! Click to see the whole series of posts or my earlier report with a photo slide show of the Lt. Governor candidates at the Convention.

Here's a collection of videos covering the appearances of the five Democratic candidates for Lieutenant Governor during their nominations at the Democratic Party of New Mexico's 2010 Pre-Primary Convention last Saturday, March 13, at Buffalo Thunder Resort in Pojoaque. They're in the order that was followed at the event.

Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino arrival and speech

Cheering for Joe Campos and nominating speeches

Joe Campos gives acceptance speech

Brian Colon arrival and acceptance speech

Sen. Linda Lopez accepts nomination

Nominating speeches for Lawrence Rael and arrival onstage

Lawrence Rael's speech accepting nomination

All videos by M.E. Broderick. More usable video was obtained of some candidates than others due to a variety of factors beyond our control.

March 19, 2010 at 12:19 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Democratic Party, Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Joe Campos, Lawrence Rael, Linda Lopez | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thirteen Dem Pre-Primary Ballots Stickered by "Anti-Socialists"

Teabagsign A total of thirteen ballots submitted at the Democratic Party of New Mexico Pre-Primary Convention were defaced with stickers touting the candidacy of a Republican candidate for Congress in NM-01, according to Scott Forrester, DPNM Executive Director. Ten of them had names on them, which you can see below the fold.

As DPNM Chair Javier Gonzales said in an Albuquerque Journal article today,

"What a few fringe individuals who have a history of supporting Republican candidates did is nothing more than a cheap and juvenile prank. We are talking about roughly 10 stickers out of nearly 2,000 delegates."

The purported ringleader of the logo-stickers was former State Rep. Robert Aragon, who seems stuck on supporting Republicans while claiming to be a Democrat. Wouldn't it just be easier (and more effective) to go over to the GOP dark side officially? I'm sure he'd get a lot of respect over there with the right-wingers and their notably high regard for diversity.

Of course Aragon believes it's most of the rest of the Party of the People who are in the wrong place:

Aragon said Barela stickers were meant to protest progressive Democrats, who he said include Heinrich and who he claims are now controlling the state party.

"They are not Democrats; they are socialists," Aragon said.

I wonder what he and his fellow deep thinkers feel about Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. As a matter of fact, I wonder what they think of Mary Ellen and I since we're, you know, lesbians (gasp). Next thing you know they'll be complaining that dykes and faggots have taken over the Party. Or Jews. Or women. Or whoever the latest scapegoats are.


Personally, I think Robert has been listening to too much Rush-Beck or attending too many Tea Party raves. Or else he's just mad that he and his friends aren't getting enough attention in the political scheme of things. Robert -- feel it, release it, things change (as Marianne Faithful once sang).

By the way, Miriam-Webster provides this definition of socialism:

a: system of society or group living in which there is no private property; b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.

I haven't noticed anyone in the Democratic Party advocating for that, but then I generally move in different circles than the sticker-agitators. You know, the ones who are working for Democratic values and Democratic candidates instead of mouthing right-wing platitudes and protesting in ways reminiscent of Los Tres Stooges.

Ten of the ballots had these names on them:

The three others were too cowardly to include their identities.

Oh, and by the way, it's a 4th degree felony to destroy a ballot.

March 17, 2010 at 12:41 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (8)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lt. Governor Candidate Joe Campos Thanks the Democratic Party

In the second statement released today from the Joe Campos for Lieutenant Governor campaign, Campos extended his thanks to the Democratic Party for its handling of the decision on his eligibility for the primary ballot.

"I appreciate Party Chairman Javier Gonzales' efforts to keep the process open and transparent," Campos stated. "His efforts resulted in a fair and appropriate resolution to the issues raised," Campos said. "The Party has three days to certify the election and the Party staff and the Chairman worked tirelessly late Saturday, all day Sunday, Monday and finally resolved the ballot issue Tuesday."

Campos also said he "appreciates the support of the Democratic Party to stand up for what is right and reaching a just and appropriate decision; submitting his name for a ballot position on the Democratic Party Primary."

March 16, 2010 at 10:36 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Democratic Party, Joe Campos | Permalink | Comments (1)

Campos for Lt. Gov. Campaign Weighs in on Ballot Decision

JoeCamposConvention140 In response to the ruling made by Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Javier Gonzales today on Democratic primary ballot access for Joe Campos in the Lieutenant Governor race, the Campos campaign released this statement:

The Jose Campos for Lieutenant Governor Campaign announced today that Joe will be on the Democratic Primary ballot in June. "We took on the Richardson machine and won," declared Representative Campos. Campos had received 355 votes for Lieutenant Governor on Saturday at the Democratic Pre-Primary convention, and the 20% threshold was mistakenly calculated and should have been 355 to receive the Democratic Party certification to be on the ballot.

The State Party Chairman Javier Gonzales acknowledged that the Party should have determined that Jose had qualified on Saturday at the Democratic Convention, as the Election Handbook of the State of New Mexico stipulates (Section 1-1-20 2009 ed.). Joe appreciates the support of the many county chairs who supported his protest and the right to be on the ballot.

"I've been a fighter my whole life," declared Campos, "I fought to keep Canon Air Force Base open, I fought to revitalize District 63 and my hometown of Santa Rosa, and I'm fighting now to represent the people's interests in Santa Fe as the next Lieutenant Governor of the great State of New Mexico."

Later in the day, the Campos campaign released a second statement on this matter.

March 16, 2010 at 06:06 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Democratic Party, Joe Campos | Permalink | Comments (11)

(Updated) DPNM Rules that Joe Campos Got 20% of Vote at Pre-Primary Convention

Update: The DPNM just issued a statement clarifying their decision, saying that "after thorough review of the rules of the party and the State of New Mexico Election Handbook, Representative Campos received 20% of the votes cast in the Lt. Governor convention vote. The ruling of the Chair was further supported by a unanimous vote of the DPNM Judicial Committee, 10-0, in favor of recommending the ruling of the Chairman. Representatives from the Rael, Colon and Ortiz y Pino campaigns all stated after the decision that they respected the ruling and would seek no further challenge."

According to the DPNM, Joe Campos received 19.69% of the votes, which in accordance to the rule is rounded to 20%.

"This is exactly why the Democratic Party of New Mexico waits three days before certifying, so everyone can thoroughly review the rules and make the right call," said former Chairman and DPNM pro-bono legal counsel John Wertheim in a written statement. “In this case, the law is clear, and we’re pleased that the other candidates voiced their support and respect for Chairman Gonzales’ ruling.”

"I am very pleased with success and record participation at the pre-primary convention. We are the party of inclusion and look forward to supporting all of our Democratic candidates," said Democratic Party Chairman Javier Gonzales.

The DPNM said that action on the convention is complete. The vote will be certified and the three names submitted to the Secretary of State for inclusion on the primary ballot are as follows: Brian Colon, Lawrence Rael and Jose Campos.

The below, final vote tally will be certified today.

Lt. Governor
Ortiz y Pino: 323 votes 18.87%
Jose Campos: 337 votes 19.69%
Brian Colon: 591 votes 34.54%
Linda Lopez: 81 votes 4.73%
Lawrence Rael: 379 votes 22.15%
The Judicial Council of the Democratic Party of New Mexico met today to consider a complaint filed by the Joe Campos for Lieutenant Governor campaign insisting that he received 20% of the vote at this past Saturday's Pre-Primary Convention. The Council voted unanimously in Campos' favor, agreeing that the votes Campos received on March 13, 2010 did indeed qualify him to be on the ballot without the need to submit additional petition signatures. The Judicial Council's advice supported a ruling by DPNM Chairman Javier Gonzales in favor of Campos' position.

Originally, the DPNM said that Campos was one vote shy of 20%, based on what turned out to be an incorrect analysis of how percentages or fractions are to be rounded. However, it was discovered that a section in New Mexico's election code clearly shows that the Party's original analysis of fractions/percentages was incorrect:

Section 1-1-20
In any place in the Election Code [1-1-1 NMSA 1978] requiring counting or computation of numbers, any fraction or decimal greater than one-half of a whole number shall be counted as a whole number.

After the votes were tallied at the Convention, the DPNM originally said Campos had to have 355.2 votes to qualify for the 20%, based on taking the number of delegate votes (1776) times 20% to get the number 355.2. However, the election code language means that the whole number alone would be enough. Later, a hand recount of the ballots gave Campos 337 votes, or 19.67. So the ruling considers that number as constituting 20% by rounding.

The ruling means that the election results revert back to those of the recount. Therefore, Brian Colon, Lawrence Rael and Joe Campos will be on the June Democratic primary ballot for lieutenant governor, in that order. The two candidates who did not get 20% of the vote, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino and Sen. Linda Lopez, will not be on the ballot unless they submit more petition signatures by the March 31 deadline. Both of them have said they plan to to just that.

Note: I made several corrections to my original rushed report.

March 16, 2010 at 01:53 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Joe Campos | Permalink | Comments (14)

Photos and Videos Part 4: Congressional Nominations at DPNM Pre-Primary Convention 2010

Click for larger version or photo album

This is one of a series of posts about this past weekend's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention. Check back for more photos, videos and commentary on all the action as we get everything processed and organized. Click to see the whole series of posts.

All three U.S. House members from New Mexico were nominated for reelection and were unopposed at the DPNM Pre-Primary Convention this past Saturday. Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02) and Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03) all spoke to the delegates and stressed the importance of working actively to assure that Republicans don't triumph in this mid-term election year.

The speeches of all three Congressmen also summarized their accomplishments in the House this year in trying to reverse the damaging policies of the Bush administration, but acknowledged that the going is tough in getting major legislation passed -- especially in the Senate -- and given the Republicans' Party of No obstructionism. Constant threats of filibusters can certainly bring progress on the Democrats' agenda to a grinding halt -- and create frustration felt by both members of Congress and Democrats generally.

You can see video clips of their speeches below:

Rep. Martin Heinrich (L); Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (R)

Rep. Harry Teague

March 16, 2010 at 12:18 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, Democratic Party, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03), Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02), Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Joe Campos Says He's Shifting Into High Gear for Lt. Gov. Primary Election

Joe Campos speaking at DPNM Pre-Primary Convention

The Joe Campos for Lieutenant Governor Campaign released a statement today indicating they are moving ahead "with gusto" to compete in the primary race -- despite just missing the 20% cut-off for an automatic place on the ballot at Saturday's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention voting. Campos announced, "I'm in it to win it. The votes have been counted and it's game on!" The campaign said he's being "propelled by strong delegate support in the recent Democratic Delegate Convention."

"The delegate voting shows we have a tight race among the top candidates," Campos said. "In the weeks leading to the June 1 primary, any one of the top candidates has the opportunity to break away from the pack and win the election. My campaign team has shifted into high gear and we aim to take the lead."

"On June 1, it'll be the people's turn to vote and when the voters consider experience and accomplishments, I believe they will be supporting my campaign," Campos asserted. "I'm the only candidate that has a distinguished public service record that extends across-the-board from Mayor, to County Commissioner, to State Legislator. I am the only candidate with a real working knowledge of the renewable energy industry, and the only candidate from a rural area. And as a prosperous small businessman, I know what it takes to succeed in this economy."

"Make no mistake about it, the November election is going to be a tough contest where every vote counts," Campos continued. "Diane Denish needs a running mate that can attract votes from across the political spectrum. I have proven in my legislative campaigns that I can attract loyal Democrats, and independent voters -- and, this can help Diane Denish win."

"I've competed in some tough elections in the past," Campos added. "I have challenges ahead in the upcoming campaign, but my whole career as a public servant is about meeting challenges head-on and with gusto. I am fortunate to have passionate supporters, an astute campaign staff, and a loving family and I am ready and energized to bring my campaign to the people." 

"I believe the people want a candidate that shares their values, a candidate that is ethical and is not beholden to special interests, and a candidate that has the common sense, the experience, and the creativity to enable a better quality of life for this generation and for generations to come. I believe I am the candidate that can best help Diane Denish lead New Mexico into a prosperous future," Campos concluded.

March 15, 2010 at 07:15 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Joe Campos | Permalink | Comments (29)

Photos Part 3: Friday Fun at DPNM Pre-Primary Convention 2010

Diane Denish tearing up the dance floor

This is one of a series of posts about this weekend's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention. Check back for more photos, videos and commentary on all the action as we get everything processed and organized. Click to see the whole series of posts.

Social events were the order of the day on the Friday before the DPNM Pre-Primary Convention's business meeting on Saturday, March 13, at Buffalo Thunder Resort on Pojoaque Pueblo. Delegates and politicos started arriving in late afternoon to register early and attend a variety of fun events hosted by the Party and various candidates.

In the early evening there was a Unity Party with food and live music organized by the Young Democrats and hosted by NM House Speaker Ben Lujan and Congressman Ben Ray Lujan. There were also a number of candidate-sponsored receptions and hospitality suites, and folks explored the dramatic, art-filled gathering spots in the resort's public areas or stopped in at restaurants and watering holes. It was fun to wander from party to party, from space to space, and encounter Democrats everywhere -- all talking at once. About politics, of course.

Click for larger version or photo album

Later in the evening folks gathered at a free concert/dance with the Santa Fe band Vanilla Pop that was hosted by gubernatorial candidate Diane Denish. I have to report that the dance floor was often dominated by Diane, Lawrence Rael and family and the always debonaire DPNM Chairman, Javier Gonzales. At the tables there was ... more political talk between old friends and new. You know Democrats.

After Saturday's long business meeting, many Dems chose to stay another night and attend free performances by Mariachi Tenampa and Tobias Rene hosted by Pojoaque Pueblo. Has there ever been this much entertainment and this many chances to schmooze at a Dem Pre-Primary Convention? I don't think so.

March 15, 2010 at 11:24 AM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Photos Part 2: Lt. Governor Contest, DPNM Pre-Primary Convention 2010

Brian Colón was the top vote getter with 34.5% and gave a fiery speech accepting the nomination

This is one of a series of posts about this weekend's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention. Check back for more photos, videos and commentary on all the action as we get everything processed and organized. Click to see the whole series of posts.

This year, Democrats fielded five primary candidates for Lieutenant Governor and the competition for delegates was spirited. Rep. Joe Campos, Brian Colón, Sen. Linda Lopez, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino and Lawrence Rael participated in a number of candidate forums and debates and worked hard to attract supporters, get them elected as delegates and convince State Central Committee members to get on board.

With two large video screens bracketing the stage and animated, sign-wielding campaigners leaping in the aisles or hopping up onto the platform, there were numerous colorful and noisy tableaux of the political kind for delegates to savor. We had family members, former teachers, energetic supporters dressed in all kinds of get-ups, fellow politicos and more joining in the nominating spectacles.

Lawrence Rael's supporters marched onstage blowing train whistles. Jerry Ortiz y Pino had almost all of his supporters dance up the aisles and try to get on stage with him, all at once. Joe Campos filled the stage with friends and followers with his family front and center. Brian Colón provided a contrast by commanding the stage on his own, with hundreds of cheering supporters all over the hall. Linda Lopez concentrated on speech, emphasizing her "passion and hunger for politics." You can get a taste of what went on in the photo slideshow below:

Click for larger version or photo album

When all was said and done, only two candidates got the 20% needed to get on the primary ballot without having to get more petition signatures according to the machine count and a later review. The latest results are the product of a ballot review (or preliminary recount) performed because some of the candidates were so close to getting the 20% needed to get on the primary ballot, although the review didn't seem to change things much on that score:

Lt. Governor
Total votes: 1711
Gerald Ortiz y Pino: 323 votes, 18.87%
Jose Campos: 337 votes, 19.69%
Brian Colón: 591 votes, 34.54%
Linda Lopez: 81 votes, 4.73%
Lawrence Rael: 379 votes, 22.15%

We understand that a formal recount for certification will start tomorrow morning at the DPNM office, so we'll see how that goes.

It was a heartbreaker for Joe Campos, his family and all his supporters. In the machine tally, he was two tenths of a percent away from 20% -- at least given how the figures were rounded. If you looked at it another way, he had the exact number of votes needed -- but the official rules dictated otherwise. Ortiz y Pino was also very close to 20%. Indications are that all candidates under 20% will try to get the signatures they need by March 31 to get onto the ballot despite the Party vote.

Colón Comments
Brian Colón's campaign released a statement saying he had "solidified his place as the front runner."

"I'm honored by this nomination and humbled that so many Democrats from all corners of New Mexico are supporting our campaign because they share my belief that Government should be in the business of helping people," Colón said. "Democratic values are much more than cheap campaign rhetoric. They make a difference in people's lives. I know, because I've lived those values," Colón continued.

"Growing up I learned that we help our neighbors when they're down. We make sure every child gets a good education. And if somebody's sick, they get the best health care available. That's what the Democratic Party stands for and that's why I'm working so hard to be Diane Denish's running mate for Lieutenant Governor," Colón added.

Rael Comments
Lawrence Rael released a statement saying he had "strong support" from delegates, that "reflected a growing sentiment that Rael is the best complement for Diane Denish on the Democratic ticket."

“I’m pleased that New Mexicans are responding to the many things we have accomplished together during my 25 years of public service,” Rael said. “My experiences, coupled with Diane Denish’s leadership, are key to moving our state forward.”

“It’s really remarkable that the other four candidates in this race have all run for office before and have been working on the convention delegates for years,” said Rael campaign manager John Gerhart. “We’re pleased that people have been won over this quickly to Lawrence and his candidacy. We’re really looking forward to the primary campaign.”

Campos Comments
The Campos campaign hasn't released a formal statement, but Joe wrote these comments on his Facebook page:

"Thanks to our many friends & supporters. We fell just short of our goal of 20% of the 1776 votes - got 355, needed 355.2. This is amazing considering the time dedicated to the legis. session and special session midcampaign. I'm overwhelmed w/ your support & desire to go on with the campaign. The actual vote recount is on but regardless of the outcome WE'RE GOING FOR IT! Go Team Campos! Go Diane Denish!"

Ortiz y Pino Comments
On Monday, Jerry Ortiz y Pino sent an email message to supporters that said, in part:

"We will start gathering additional signatures on petition forms and submit them by the deadline in ten days. And on with the campaign! Now we have the toughest part of the race, but the one that we all know is the most crucial: getting our message out to the voters and then getting those voters out to the polls on June 1.

"... If we don't get a big turnout of the left wing of the Party, it will be very hard for Diane to win. None of the other candidates for the Lt. Governor nomination have a message that will excite the left wing."

Lopez Comments
I haven't seen any statement released by the campaign of Sen. Linda Lopez.

March 14, 2010 at 11:46 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Democratic Party, Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Joe Campos, Lawrence Rael, Linda Lopez | Permalink | Comments (16)

Photos Part 1: Diane Denish Nominated for Governor at DPNM Pre-Primary Convention 2010

Denish speaks to the crowd accepting nomination

This is one of a series of posts about this weekend's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention. Check back for more photos, videos and commentary on all the action as we get everything processed and organized. Click to see the whole series of posts.

Below is a photo slideshow of the first part of the Democratic Party of New Mexico's 2010 Pre-Primary Convention held on Saturday, March 12, at Buffalo Thunder Resort on Pojoaque Pueblo. The gathering was historic in a number of ways -- there were more delegates than ever before, it was the first Democratic Convention anywhere held on sovereign tribal land and Diane Denish is the first woman ever nominated for governor in the state.

Click for larger version or photo album

The huge crowd of delegates and other Democrats was welcomed to the Convention by Chairman Javier Gonzales and Pojoaque Pueblo Governor George Rivera. The Los Alamos High School Color Guard and Pojoaque Pueblo Buffalo Dancers opened the ceremonies. Dorothy Gonzales sang the National Anthem, Army Staff Sergeant Kevin P. Holmes led the Pledge of Allegiance and Kathy Duffy, President of the New Mexico Democratic Women, led the Pledge to the New Mexico flag.

Lt. Governor Diane Denish was nominated as a candidate for governor by New Mexico's Senior Senator Jeff Bingaman.

Denish stepped away from the podium and delivered her speech town-hall style, bringing the cheering crowd to its feet as she gave her acceptance speech outlining a "New Way Forward for New Mexico" to nearly two thousand energized Democratic delegates in Buffalo Thunder's packed main ballroom. As she said, "I'm going to do things a little differently. Because I am going to be a different kind of governor."

"As governor I'll be fighting every day for middle-class families -- to create jobs and to strengthen and transform education so that every child in New Mexico can succeed," Denish told the crowd. "And what about New Mexico's small businesses? The people who have a good idea, get a loan and hire their neighbors -- they are the best job creators we have."

"People ask me why I would want to be governor when times are so tough? I tell them because now is when it matters most. Times are tough, no doubt about it -- but New Mexicans are tougher. We can't rely on Wall Street bailouts. We have to pull together like a family and kick-start the economic recovery ourselves. We must help small businesses expand by cutting red tape and invest in our workforce so that we can compete for the high-wage jobs of the future."

March 14, 2010 at 07:55 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Democratic Party, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Sen. Tom Udall | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) Back from the DPNM Pre-Primary Convention: Down from the Mountains and Through the Snow

Update: The preliminary hand recount is over and here are the latest results for the Lt. Gov. race:

VoteBlueCr We're back in Albuquerque after The-Best-New-Mexico-Democratic-Convention-Ever. Energy, enthusiasm and Democrats galore all weekend at Buffalo Thunder. We drove back late this morning through a blowing snowstorm that turned into wind and rain that turned into spectacular cloud formations all around with big sunbeams breaking through and spotlighting the snow-sprinkled mountains surrounding us. We're in a great mood and we'll be working hard to get all our photos, videos and commentary ready for publication but, at the moment, we're eating breakfast burritos and catching our breath.

If you haven't yet seen the results of the three main contested races, here they are:

Lieutenant Governor

Land Commissioner

NM Court of Appeals

* = qualified for primary ballot without the need to submit additional signatures. The rest will have to submit more signatures within 10 days.

NOTE: Joe Campos missed the ballot cutoff by one vote, or he made the number needed exactly -- depending on how certain percentages are handled. He and Harry Montoya and Sandy Jones each called for a recount, which reportedly is still ongoing.

I'll be back soon with more, but at this point we want to extend big thanks for a job well done and so much hard work to Chairman Javier Gonzales and all of the Party officers, as well as the staff and volunteers of the Democratic Party of New Mexico! This was one for the history books in more ways than one. Gracias and congratulations to all involved!

March 14, 2010 at 01:48 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 Judicial Races, 2010 NM Land Commissioner Race, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Democratic Party, Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Joe Campos, Lawrence Rael, Linda Lopez | Permalink | Comments (22)

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