Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/30: Alameda North Valley Association Hosts Candidate Forum

From ANVA: The Alameda North Valley Association (ANVA) would like to invite you to attend a North Valley Candidate Forum. The forum will be co-sponsored by the Northeast Valley Neighborhood Association, the Wildflower Neighborhood Association and the Vista Del Norte Alliance. This is your best opportunity to talk with and hear our local candidates for office.

The forum will take places on Thursday, September 30, 2010, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center located at 9800 Fourth Street NW -- just north of Alameda Blvd. on the east side of Fourth. The invited candidates include:

Bernalillo County Assessor
Karen Montoya – (incumbent)
Christie Humphrey

Bernalillo County Commission – District One
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Simon Kubiak

Bernalillo County Sheriff
Manuel Gonzales – (incumbent)
Dan Houston

State Representative District 15
Bill O’Neill – (incumbent)
Justin Horwitz

We will allow the Candidates 2 minutes each for introductions and then the candidates will be asked a series of questions followed by closing statements.

We encourage the community to send us questions for the candidates. Is there something that you are concerned about or is there an item you think the candidates need to know about? Please understand that we can only take written questions. If you have any questions for the candidates please send them to:

The media will be invited and the meeting is open to the public.

We hope you can attend this important meeting. Please share this information with your neighbor. Thanks! Visit our website at .

September 22, 2010 at 11:35 AM in 2010 Bernaillo County Assessor Race, 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Legislature Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

5/23: North Valley Rally for Karen Montoya for BernCo Assessor

From Karen Montoya for Bernalillo County Assessor:
Please bring your friends and family -- I can assure you it will a fun time. I hope to see you there!

North Valley Rally for Karen Montoya!
Sunday, May 23, 2010, 2:00—4:00 PM
The Home of Roger Blair
2126 Matthew Ave. NW, Albuquerque
Summer fun, hot dogs, music and hamburgers!

May 22, 2010 at 10:54 AM in 2010 Bernaillo County Assessor Race, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

4/20: Meet & Greet with Bernalillo County Assessor Karen Montoya

From Campaign to Re-Elect Karen Montoya:

Meet and greet with
Karen Montoya, Bernalillo County Assessor
On Tuesday, April 20, 2010
5:30 – 7:30 PM
901 Copperhead Ct. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113 (map)
Donation: $25/person
Hosted by:
Victor Raigoza, Christopher Salazar and Doreen Huerta
Help Karen reach her goal!
Click for flyer (pdf)

April 18, 2010 at 12:49 PM in 2010 Bernaillo County Assessor Race, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Upcoming Events Supporting Karen Montoya for Bernalillo County Assessor

Karenmontoya From the Campaign to Re-Elect Karen Montoya as Bernalillo County Assessor:

3/27 and 3/28: Join Karen Montoya and the Campaign Team for a Sign-Making Good Time! on Saturday, March 27, at 8:30 AM to 12 PM and Sunday, March 28, at 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Meet at 1504 Clancy NE, or call 559-0482 for more information.

3/28: Come to a fundraiser for Karen Montoya on Sunday, March 28, from 6 PM to 8 PM at the home of Patty Montoya and John Tansey, 4224 Indian Springs Dr. NE. RSVP to Patty at 235-1079. Suggested donation is $25.

4/1: Fundraiser, Thursday, April 1, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM at the home of Lorrie and Jim Griffin, 1035 Cottonwood Dr., Los Ranchos de Albuquerque. Join hosts Attorney General Gary King, Ambassador Ed Romero and Sra. Cayetana Romero, Turner and Margaret Branch, Bill Baldwin, Pawan Dhinsha, Pete Dinelli, Steve Garcia, Vince Murphy, Julian Padilla, Nestor Romero, Ruther Romero Sneddon. For more information, contact Michelle Chavez at 275-9485 or RSVP at Suggested contribution $50--and all contributions welcome!

March 26, 2010 at 02:25 PM in 2010 Bernaillo County Assessor Race, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Karen Montoya Stresses Tax Equity in Re-Election Campaign for Bernalillo Co. Assessor

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Karen Montoya launched her re-election campaign for Bernalillo County Assessor at the Artichoke Café in Albuquerque on February 3rd. Turnout was good and included former Ambassador Edward Romero, as well as many other enthusiastic Dems ready to work to hard to assure her a second term at the helm of the Assessor's office.

Montoya was elected Bernalillo County Assessor in 2006 with a promise to “do right by the taxpayer.” Karen say she's committed to ensuring that Bernalillo County residents are fairly assessed and taxed.

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Assessor Montoya been lauded many times for leadership and innovation at the Assessor’s office during her first term. Montoya says her priorities during her second term will include taxpayer equity, making sure our seniors and veterans benefit from allowable exemptions, and continuing a professional and citizen-friendly office.

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Late last year, Assessor Montoya decided to act on court decisions that ruled new property owners were being taxed unfairly. Montoya decided she would help to eliminate “tax lightning” and would roll back property tax values. Thanks to Karen’s no-nonsense approach in Bernalillo County, policy makers at the state level have started work on crafting constitutional remedies to fix the tax lightning problem for all of New Mexico. A number of bills related to property taxes have been introduced at the Roundhouse during the current legislative session.

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“If taxpayers are being unfairly taxed, I’m the first to make it right,” says Assessor Montoya.

Karen has also sought the expansion of property tax breaks for those on limited incomes. Now seniors in Bernalillo County who make less than $32,000 a year can “freeze” their property values.

The County Assessor's Office determines the property value of homes, businesses and other taxable property in Bernalillo County. The Assessor's Office also prepares the tax roll for the County Treasurer on real property (land and improvements); personal property (business equipment); livestock and manufactured homes.

Karen Montoya has more than 18 years of experience in appraisal and assessment administration at both the state and local levels. She’s an Albuquerque native and has two daughters.

No other candidates have announced their candidacy for this seat. The Democratic Primary election is June 1, 2010.

February 10, 2010 at 11:13 AM in 2010 Bernaillo County Assessor Race, Taxes | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

9/26 Fundraiser to Support Re-Election of Karen Montoya as Bernalillo County Assessor

From the Committee to Re-Elect Karen L. Montoya:

Sra. Cayetana & Ambassador Ed Romero
cordially invite you to their home in honor of
Bernalillo County Assessor Karen Montoya

Host Committee Includes:
Ruth & Louie Montoya *Attorney General Gary King
Secretary of State Mary Herrera * Senator Tim Keller
Commissioner Maggie Hart-Stebbins * Auditor Hector Balderas
Marti & Johnny Cope * Governor Bill Richardson
Mayor Martin Chavez * Treasurer James Lewis
Sra. Clara Apodaca * Commissioner Alan Armijo
Margaret & Turner Branch

Saturday, September 26, 2009, 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
1521 Eagle Ridge Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM

Suggested Contributions:
Host: $500, Co-Host: $250
Sponsor: $200, Friend: $100

September 24, 2009 at 01:04 PM in 2010 Bernaillo County Assessor Race, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

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