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Monday, December 07, 2009

You're Invited: City of Santa Fe Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth

From the City of Santa Fe:
Mayor David Coss and President Barack Obama are looking for ideas on how to create jobs, and to identify opportunities and obstacles both locally and nationally. At the request of the President, Mayors across the country are hosting forums to get input from small business owners, nonprofit leaders, labor union representatives and anyone who has felt the impact of this economic crisis firsthand.

In order to have our many good ideas heard, Mayor Coss is hosting a Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth in Santa Fe. The goal is to generate specific suggestions that could be considered as part of a set of legislative or regulatory proposals. The feedback will be used both locally and sent to the White House to possibly influence President Obama's policies for job creation.

In order to meet the timeline requested by the Obama Administration, we will have the forum on Friday, December 11, 2009 from 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center. The feedback from the forum will be compiled into a report to inform local initiatives and to send to President Obama.

The forum will include a panel discussion moderated by Zane Fischer of the Santa Fe Reporter and then be opened up to questions and ideas from the audience.

Please join us for the discussion and bring your best ideas on what parts of our local economy are thriving, what areas are poised for a rebound, what sectors will create the jobs of the future; also, what obstacles are getting in the way of job creation and economic growth.

Please pass this invitation along to your friends, neighbors and other members of our community.

December 7, 2009 at 10:02 AM in Events, Jobs, Obama Administration, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink


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