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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Young Professionals for Diane Denish Event 12/11/09 at Scalo, Albuquerque

From the Committee to Elect Diane Denish:

Please Join

Esteban Aguilar Jr. . C. Shannon Bacon . Toni Balzano
Belinda Barreras-Medrano . Heather Brewer
Robin Brule . Cristy Carbon-Gaul . Morris J. Chavez
Katy Duhigg . Gretchen Elsner . Michelle Frost
Michael J. Garcia . Teala Kail . Sen. Tim Keller
Alica Lueras Maldonado . Alicia Manzano
Danielle Montoya . Tim Nisly . Rep. Al Park
Jenny Ramo & David Kutz . Carolina Ramos
Stephanie Richard . Giovanna Rossi
Antonia Roybal-Mack . DeAnza & Joseph Sapien
Stephanie Warriner . Gregory Webb . Geno Zamora

For a Young Professionals Mixer
In support of
Lt. Governor Diane Denish
to benefit her campaign for Governor

Friday, December 11, 2009
5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Scalo Northern Italian Grill
3500 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM
Suggested Contribution:
$25.00 Per Person
Refreshments, Music, and Hors D’oeuvres Provided
Click for Flyer (pdf)

Please RSVP to: Robert Lara: (505) 255-1282 or rlara@dianedenish.com. Contributions may be brought to the event or be made payable and sent to: Committee to Elect Diane Denish, PO Box 30561, Albuquerque NM 87190. You may also contribute online at .

December 3, 2009 at 02:43 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Events, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish | Permalink


How convenient! Right across the street from my office!

Scalo does a great fundraiser, BTW. They've been very supportive of Democratic candidates, which I appreciate and admire.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Dec 3, 2009 3:03:37 PM

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