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Friday, December 18, 2009

State Sen. Sharer Pre-Files DOMA Bill; Use ACLU Tool to Weigh in NOW

SSHAR Sen. William E. Sharer (R-Farmington), a right-wing homophobe who has been trying for years to change New Mexico's constitution so it bans civil marriage under civil law to same-sex couples, has pre-filed a Defense of Marriage (DOMA) bill he wants considered during the January 30-day special legislative session. Like clock work, isn't he?

SJR 1 proposes an amendment to Article 20 of the New Mexico constitution "to define a recognized, valid marriage as between one man and one woman." It would add a section that states, "Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman" if the amendment were approved by a majority of New Mexico voters at "the next general election or at any special election prior to that date that may be called for that purpose."

Sharer also introduced two DOMA bills in this year's regular session, SB 162, Marriage Defined, and SJR 6 -- a resolution mirroring his current SJR 1. In 2005, he introduced DOMA bills SB 597 and SJR 18. None were successful, but apparently hope springs eternal in Bill Sharer's world.

Sharer is one of those ideologues who believes that the laws of the State of New Mexico should enforce his personal religious beliefs rather than grant all citizens equality under civil law. Sharer is Catholic, and a member of the conservative Knights of Columbus. He has endorsed GOP candidate Susana Martinez for Governor, so we know where she stands on human rights.

I don't know where Sharer and his ilk get the idea that this religion or that should be codified into law in a nation founded on the principle of the separation of church and state. He apparently wants the rules of his personal religion to control the lives and relationships of everyone in the state. Just because. He wants to preserve and protect the injustices that LGBT couples must endure at a time when even heavily Catholic and Christian nations in Europe and around the world are granting full civil rights to same-sex couples. The word backwards doesn't begin to describe Sharer.

Sharer doesn't support domestic partnership legislation either. During this year's legislative session, he said this about SB 12: "This domestic partnership bill before the Senate is a threat because it is gay marriage in disguise, but not a very good disguise at that." Not really, Bill. Ironically, Sharer's religious views apparently don't extend to what he would call God's creation. He received a rating of 0% from Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) in 2008 and only a slightly better 15% this year.

Important: Contact your legislators NOW in support of domestic partnership legislation, which Gov. Bill Richardson has said will be considered, and against DOMA-style bills like Sharer's. The ACLU New Mexico provides a useful and easy to use tool to urge legislators to support domestic partnership legislation at the January New Mexico legislative session. It's a good idea to start contacting legislators now, when they have more time to read emails and give some serious thought to the issue. The more personal and creative the appeal, the better. Click to access the ACLU's legislative contact tool.

December 18, 2009 at 11:49 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2010 | Permalink


The only surprise here is that it didn't come from Nora Espinoza or Gloria Vaughn. The GOP makes me sick!

Posted by: Leo Cuevas | Dec 18, 2009 1:16:02 PM

let's see how they vote on the budget issues. will they listen to the church about feeding and caring for the less advantaged in our state?

Posted by: mary ellen | Dec 18, 2009 3:38:01 PM

This isn't a "defense of marriage" bill. It's a "display of clout" bill. Beating of the chest, "We are Christians! Be Afraid!"

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Dec 19, 2009 10:58:25 AM

Not all Christians are against equality of human and civil rights. Those Christians are disgusted that the banner of Christianity is being prostituted to unrighteous hateful causes such as this.

Posted by: qofdisks | Dec 19, 2009 1:02:15 PM

Cna't mod dems have a voice here. Why do all my posts get deleted?

Posted by: JD | Jan 5, 2010 4:08:59 AM

Moderate Dems? It's not "moderate" to support the continued abuse of civil rights against gay people that Sharer is proposing. It's extremist, bigoted and patently unconstitutional not to provide equal treatment under the law for all including minorities.

Posted by: Jerry | Jan 5, 2010 8:38:47 AM

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