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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rep. Ben Ray Luján Highlights Energy Efficiency Grants in NM-03

Benraylujan Today, Rep. Ben Ray Luján highlighted several Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) made to communities in New Mexico’s Third Congressional District that will help improve energy efficiency and create clean energy jobs. The awards were made by the Department of Energy through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Click for a listing of grants (pdf) awarded in NM-03.

“These grants will help communities improve energy efficiency and reduce energy use,” said Rep. Luján in a statement released by his office. “Investments in energy efficiency will help move New Mexico toward energy independence, create clean energy jobs, and save families and businesses money. I’m encouraged that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is making these important investments in clean energy efforts in New Mexico.”

According to the Department of Energy, funding for the EECBG Program under the Recovery Act totals $3.2 billion, of which approximately $2.7 billion will be awarded through formula grants to more than 2,300 cities, counties, states, and Indian tribes nationwide. In addition, more than $400 million will be delivered through competitive grants. Activities eligible for EECBG funding include energy audits and building retrofits in the residential and commercial sector, the development and implementation of advanced building codes and inspections, and the creation of financial incentive programs for energy efficiency improvements.

December 10, 2009 at 06:25 PM in Energy, Green Economy, Obama Administration, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan | Permalink


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