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Friday, December 11, 2009

Recovery Act Funds Go to NM Tribal Communities for Energy Efficiency, Transportation

Senators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall announced yesterday that several New Mexico tribal communities will receive funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to improve energy efficiency and public transportation.

“New Mexico communities are putting their share of recovery funds to very good use, and in the process they’re creating jobs. Some of this funding will help boost energy efficiency efforts, while other funding will be invested in key public transportation initiatives,” Senator Bingaman said.

“The Recovery Act continues to provide significant investments in New Mexico’s tribal communities in critical areas like energy efficiency and improved access to public transportation,” Senator Udall said. “With this funding, these pueblos will be able to make improvements that will create jobs, save money and improve the quality of life for all their residents.”

Five pueblos and the County of San Juan will receive more than $900,000 in energy efficiency grants through the Department of Energy for energy audits, building retrofits and to create financial incentive programs for energy efficiency improvements. They include:

Pueblo of Cochiti: $40,400

Pueblo of Isleta: $112,000

Pueblo of San Felipe: $102,200

Pueblo of Taos: $61,400

Zuni Pueblo: $267,500

San Juan County: $329,400

Additionally, the Department of Transportation released ARRA funds to:

Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo: $156,000 to purchase one van and one bus compatible with Americans with Disability Act standards.

Pueblo of Laguna: $200,000 to purchase capital equipment for the pre-engineering of streets, and for a portable building from the Department of Transportation.

Navajo Nation: $2.2 million to construct a bus maintenance facility and administration office complex in Fort Defiance.

December 11, 2009 at 09:10 AM in Energy, Native Americans, Obama Administration, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Sen. Tom Udall, Transportation | Permalink


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