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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New $6.4-Million Wastewater System to Go On Line at Acoma Pueblo

TerryBrunner USDA Rural Development State Director Terry Brunner (right) announced today that 2700 residents of Acoma Pueblo contending with ground water contamination will benefit from a newly constructed $6.4 million dollar wastewater system funded by the USDA.

In making the announcement, USDA Rural Development State Director Terry Brunner said, “I congratulate Acoma Pueblo as they bring their new wastewater plant on-line. The new facility will offer Acoma Pueblo high quality wastewater treatment and will protect their groundwater from pollution.” Brunner added, “Treated water coming from the new wastewater treatment plant will be used to irrigate nearby alfalfa fields.”

Funding for this wastewater project was made possible through a $5-million loan/grant package from USDA Rural Development’s Water and Environmental Program, which provides funding for infrastructure projects in communities of populations of 10,000 or less. To further ensure completion of this project, the New Mexico Finance Authority provided $400,000 and the State of New Mexico’s Tribal Infrastructure Funding Program contributed $1,090,000.

To celebrate the completion, a dedication ceremony has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 22nd, at 1:30 PM at the new wastewater treatment plant in Acomita.

During the ceremony, Acoma Pueblo Governor Chandler Sanchez and USDA RD State Director Terry Brunner will flip a switch to turn on the new system and begin the wastewater treatment process.

Further information on the wastewater and water program and other Rural Development programs can be obtained by calling 505-761-4955 or by visiting USDA’s website.

December 22, 2009 at 11:54 AM in Native Americans, Rural Issues, Water Issues | Permalink


It looks like Terry Bruner is doing a bang-up job at USDA RD! Keep churning out the good news!

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Dec 22, 2009 2:43:30 PM

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