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Monday, December 28, 2009

Mark Your Calendar: Ward 18A & Sen. Cisco McSorley to Host East Route 66 Legislative Forum on Jan. 12

Ward 18A of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County, in collaboration with Senator Cisco McSorley, will be hosting a POT LUCK dinner for Democrats along East Route 66 on Tuesday, January 12th, at 6:00 PM to discuss the upcoming Legislative Session. The dinner will take place at the Plumbers' and Pipefitters' Hall located at 515 San Pedro SE in Albuquerque (map). Invited wards include 18A, 18B, 19A and 19B.

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish will be our special guest. Confirmed legislators include Rep. Gail Chasey, Sen. Tim Keller, Sen. Tim Eichenberg and Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton.

Besides the opportunity to share some great food and meet fellow Democrats, the forum provides a space where you can meet your Senators and Representatives and discuss the upcoming Legislative Session. A panel discussion will be held to allow you to:

Additionally, there will be Candidate's Petitions to sign and the opportunity to meet some Democratic members of the House that need your help to keep their seats.

Please share this info with all who may be interested. Keep New Mexico Blue!

Michael Folsom, Chair Ward 18A
Nancy Denker, Vice Chair Ward 18A
Sara Attleson, Chair Precinct 244

December 28, 2009 at 11:54 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, NM Legislature 2010 | Permalink


In case you don't know your Democratic Ward number, it's your State Representative district number. (It's on your voter card, or available here: https://www.bernco.gov/wherevote/.) If there are a lot of Dems in the district, it gets divided into wards A and B.

Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Dec 28, 2009 3:52:01 PM

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