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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lt. Gov. Denish & A.G. King Call for Major Reform of Predatory Lending

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish and Attorney General Gary King today called for tough legislation to hold the predatory lending industry accountable for taking advantage of our most vulnerable families. With the holiday season in full swing and many New Mexicans looking for extra dollars to buy last minute gifts, it's a timely topic. Denish and King warned New Mexicans to avoid predatory lending schemes during the holidays, which can often lead to a never-ending cycle of debt. 

“Predatory lending doesn’t just happen on Wall Street, it’s happening right here in New Mexico every day. By taking advantage of loopholes, certain payday lenders are making millions each year by holding New Mexico’s most vulnerable families hostage,” said Lt. Gov. Denish. “That’s why I am calling for tough new laws that cap interest rates and protect New Mexico families. Major reform of the predatory lending industry is long overdue.”

“During this holiday season, many New Mexicans will be looking for a few extra dollars to buy last minute gifts, but before taking out a predatory title or installment loan, it’s important to know the facts. I encourage all New Mexicans to seek other options before getting trapped in a never-ending cycle of debt,” said Lt. Gov. Denish.

“For the past two years the Lt. Governor and I have been sharing our concerns about predatory small loan products and agree that there needs to be a concerted effort in the legislature to address such practices,” said Attorney General King. “I am pleased to have the Lt. Governor as a partner in our efforts to combat predatory lending in New Mexico. Earlier this year my office filed lawsuits against two lenders who were using a loophole in the law to continue to charge extremely high rates, in some cases, more than one-thousand percent. These practices take advantage of consumers and are against public policy and will be vigorously challenged by the Attorney General's Office.”

In 2007, Lt. Gov. Denish led the charge to pass strong payday loan reforms to protect New Mexico consumers. However, certain bad actors in the industry developed a loophole that allows them to avoid New Mexico’s consumer protection laws. The result is today New Mexican families are frequently being placed in title and installment loans where they are charged as much as 1000 percent APR.

Lt. Gov. Denish is calling on legislators to support Senate Bill 33 that will:

Sen. Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe) has pre-filed the legislation for this upcoming session.

“I applaud Lt. Gov. Denish for once again looking out for New Mexico families,” said Sen. Wirth. “In these difficult economic times it is more important than ever that we take on predatory lenders. I look forward to aggressively pushing this critical legislation in the upcoming legislative session.

December 22, 2009 at 02:35 PM in Economy, Populism, Lending, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, NM Legislature 2010 | Permalink


Thanks for the info on SB 033.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Dec 23, 2009 6:25:22 AM

Magistrate Court in Otero county is full of these pay day loan cases. Unfortunately, unless they can work it out through mediation there really is no remedy in the courtroom. They signed a contract with the loan comapany and agree to pay. The judge can only apply the law and the person borrowing the money ends up having to pay it. It is really a crappy thing especially in these ecomonic times. It really hurts the little guy trying to make ends meet.

Posted by: Stephanie DuBois | Dec 23, 2009 12:26:21 PM

A day late and a dollar short I say. Where were you when I told you about this problem 5 years ago. I was at Cannon AFB, as a commander in 2004, I mentioned this to you guys, but you did nothing about this then. It was destroying our young airmen for smany years prior yet you did nothing. Why are you so far behind the times? It's totally despictable!!

Posted by: JD | Jan 5, 2010 4:13:47 AM

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