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Monday, December 14, 2009

Lots of Energy at Grand Opening of Joe Campos for LG Campaign Office in Albuquerque

Joe Campos comments about grand opening

"Energizing New Mexico" is the campaign slogan of New Mexico Rep. Joe Campos, who's running in the Democratic primary for Lt. Governor, and lots of energy was zinging around at Saturday's grand opening of the campaign's Albuquerque office. There was a standing room only crowd for Joe's speech to the crowd, and a wide variety of visitors coming and going throughout the afternoon. The office is located at 1014 Central Avenue SW (near 10th and Central) in Albuquerque.

Campos (white shirt) mingling with supporters Saturday

According to Mary Ellen, who attended the event, Campos was very moved by the enthusiastic turnout in Albuquerque, where he's working hard to reach out to those who might not know him as well as the locals do in Santa Rosa or his House district.

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Joe Campos has been Santa Rosa's Mayor since 1998, in addition to serving the area as the Representative of House District 63 in the New Mexico Legislature since 2003. Previously, he served a term on the Guadalupe County Commission, and he presently serves as Chairman of the Council of State Governments West, members of which include legislators from the 13 western states, including Alaska and Hawaii. Oh, and he also owns what many believe is the best family restaurant in Santa Rosa -- Joseph's -- which he took over in 1985 and expanded, growing the staff from 8 employees to 34. Quite a resume.

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We've had an opportunity recently to have several in-depth conversations with Campos, and he consistently mentions that one of his most important bills in the Legislature is the authorization of RETA (Renewable Energy Transmission Authority). The meausure would facilitate New Mexico's alternative energy industry and create potentially thousands of jobs for New Mexicans. Joe frequently and enthusiastically talks about the opportunities New Mexico has in terms of green jobs, given our abundance of wind and solar resources. But he also warns there's only a small window of time for New Mexico to take advantage of the burgeoning demand for renewable energy by getting our transmission projects in the mix early, and beating surrounding states to the punch. 

Joe and wife Christina at office grand opening

Joe hopes he gets a chance to be Lt. Governor so he can help energize the state to take advantage of the coming boom in renewable energy. He says that his dream is to help make our state an international center for renewable energy research, technology, production, and transmission. You might say he's gung ho on that point.

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Campos cites his experience serving in county and city government and the state legislature as invaluable in giving him a real education in how to get things done right. He notes that he's made decisions that affect local governments -- and he's also been on the receiving end of legislation -- having to implement it on the ground at home. So he's gained a good perspective on what works and what doesn't. 

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Campos also touts his many election contests as a useful proving ground for running for statewide office. He's proud of the fact that he knows how to communicate with all kinds of voters. And he points to has success in gaining the support of voters in most areas of his relatively conservative district -- while voting for things like domestic partnerships and other legislation that might not be popular with everyone across the board. How can he do this? Joe says it's because he's trusted, and he's known for getting things done to help ordinary people in his city, county and district.


Joe Campos was impressive in his recent appearance at the DFA-DFNM Meetup and, if energy, drive and experience have anything to do with political and governing success, he's got it all in one attractive candidacy.

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Besides Joe Campos, the Democratic field for Lt. Governor consists of former State Democratic Party Chair Brian Colon, State Senator Linda Lopez, State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino, former Executive Director of the Mid-Region Council of Governments Lawence Rael and Bernalillo County Sheriff Greg Solano.

To see a collection of posts about the 2010 race for Lt. Governor, visit our archive.

December 14, 2009 at 06:10 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Joe Campos | Permalink


Joe Campos is an interesting candidate. I hope Democrats pay attention to what he has to say and his experience. There are many good candidates for this job. We have to examine each of them very carefully.

Posted by: Janet | Dec 15, 2009 9:59:16 AM

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