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Lawrence Rael ad

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Health Care Headline of the Day

Lieberman Rules Out Voting for Health Bill.

He won't go for a Medicare expansion or any kind of public option, no matter how it's constructed. Period. Let's remember that Obama endorsed Lieberman and appeared on his behalf in the CT primary. So did Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Think how different this would be with Ned Lamont in there instead of JoeMentum.

The only question worth asking now: Will the Dems have the cajones to use reconciliation to pass the plan, thus needing only 51 votes? I won't hold by breath.

December 13, 2009 at 06:39 PM in Healthcare, Obama Health Care Reform | Permalink


Here's a link where you can contribute to the Bold Progressives anti-Liebermann ad:

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Dec 14, 2009 3:39:06 AM

JoeLie is despised across the country. FU, Miss Sixty. You are a discredit to the country, to your constituents and to the health of our nation.

Posted by: bg | Dec 14, 2009 10:18:56 AM

Basically, nothing on the table can get 60 votes. That's fine; reconciliation will be necessary to pass a bill the president can sign. Reid will use the reconciliation process regardless of any cojones he might 9not) have. Circumstances will force him into it. He knows that his election and those of many other Democrats are riding making good on the change the President promised.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Dec 14, 2009 11:04:57 AM

The problem with reconciliation is that it can only be used for certain aspects of the reform, and is problematical even then. It would cause lots of protest about using it and you know how scared Dems are of Rs criticizing them in public.

It may come to that, but I'm not sure Obama and Reid have the nerve. I haven't seen it thus far.

Posted by: barb | Dec 14, 2009 1:34:59 PM

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