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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

(Updated) Community Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth Set for Dec. 17 in Silver City

Update 12.16: The location of the forum has been changed to: Grant County Business and Conference Center located at U.S. Highway 180 East.
From USDA Rural Development:

Terry Brunner, USDA Rural Development State Director
Invites you to a Community Forum on
Jobs and Economic Growth
Thursday, December 17, 2009

USDA Rural Development is leading an effort to hear ideas from Rural America on what is needed to create jobs and economic development in rural communities
across the country.

So please bring your ideas and recommendations.  Your input and participation would be greatly appreciated.

The meeting will take place at:

Southwest Bone and Joint Conference Room
1268 East 32nd Street
Silver City, NM
(Please use the south entrance)
Tuesday, December 17
3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

The public is invited to give their input to President Barack Obama’s initiative on the creation of jobs in rural America.

State Director Brunner will hold a public town hall forum on behalf of President Obama to get input on job creation. The forum is seeking input on what is relevant to the Silver City area.

Brunner will be seeking answers on various subjects such as; what parts of the local economy are not working or thriving? What businesses and sectors have been hit the hardest. What are the opportunities for growth in the Silver City area? What are the obstacles to job creation and what other issues and ideas should the President consider? All of the input given at the Silver City Town Hall Forum will be sent to the White House for further review.

If you have any questions about the event, contact Elizabeth Gallegos: 505-761-4950, elizabeth.gallegos@nm.usda.gov

December 15, 2009 at 12:13 PM in Economy, Populism, Events, Jobs, Rural Issues | Permalink


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