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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

29 Years After Lennon's Death, the Eternal Wars Continue

Just spend 10 minutes and watch it: An eye for an eye will make us all blind. Feel what we are doing on this planet. Feel.

December 8, 1980. The date is etched into many of our memories. John Winston Ono Lennon gunned down in front of the Dakota Apartments where he and Yoko and Sean lived, at age 40. I've written about Lennon and what he means to me and so many others a bunch of times. On this 29th anniversary of his death, I hope you'll contemplate his message of peace and love, even in the face of the upcoming escalation of the Afghanistan occupation and the continuing violence in Iraq.

It doesn't have to be this way. I don't care what the generals and experts and politicians say. War equals failure, plain and simple. There are other much more powerful and just ways to counteract violence and heal the divisions within and without that create it. But it takes creativity, genuine courage and and a wisdom that comes from studying peace, not war.

As you think about Lennon and his legacy, you might want to check out some of my previous posts on this sad anniversary and this extraordinary human here, here and here.

December 8, 2009 at 02:29 PM in Current Affairs, Peace | Permalink


Growing up in the post Vietnam era, I truly believed that humanity and especially Americans was evolving above the self destruction of war. Little did I understand that the Neo-cons were festering and continuing to wreak misery upon the earth namely in the America's. Reagan set us on a long term path of evolutionary stagnation regarding this macro-self destruction. The whole mentality of WAR FIRST and FOREMOST at ALL COST, FOREVER prevails stronger than before. It fills me with utmost dread as a mother as it should all parents.

Posted by: qofdisks | Dec 9, 2009 12:27:12 PM



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