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Sunday, December 06, 2009

12/8: Candlelight Vigil in Santa Fe for Health Care Reform

Passed along by Health Action New Mexico: Join members of faith communities who will assemble at the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC and in locations throughout the country on Tuesday, December 8, for a Day of Action for Health Care for All. Plan to attend, invite others and join together to “Let Our Light Shine, Let Our Voices Be Heard!” One candle is needed -- YOURS:

Interfaith Candlelight Prayer Vigil
Tuesday, December 8, 7:30 PM
St. Bede's Episcopal Church (in sanctuary)
1601 S Saint Francis Dr
Santa Fe, NM 87505-4051

We are SO CLOSE to historic health care reform! Does this need to be repeated? We are SO CLOSE to historic health care reform! But we aren't there yet and we can't take anything for granted.

Those of us in the faith community know that this is not just about a bill to be passed. It is a struggle over the soul of our nation as we attempt to answer the question, "Do we really care about each other - or not?" Clearly, what happens in the next few weeks will depend upon each of us making certain that our support for reform is visible -- one candle at a time until tens of thousands of candles shine in hope for a more inclusive and compassionate health care future. Visit Faithful Reform in Health Care for more information.

December 6, 2009 at 11:42 AM in Events, Faith Community, Healthcare | Permalink


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