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Friday, December 04, 2009

12/18: South Valley Economic Development Center to Host Holiday Open House, Offer Gift Baskets

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This week the South Valley Economic Development Center (SVEDC) announced that it will host a Holiday Open House on Friday, December 18th, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Members of the community are invited to attend and learn more about the SVEDC, as well as sample and buy food products made in the Center’s very own commercial kitchen. Gift baskets containing a variety of SVEDC client products also will be available for purchase.

The 15,000 square foot Center, located at 318 Isleta Blvd. SW in Albuquerque (map), supports local growers and business by providing a site for manufacturing and establishing networks among businesses, growers, distributors and retailers. It also provides technical assistance in the development of small business and educational and media campaigns. Their 3,500 square foot commercial kitchen is home to more than 45 small businesses, including Heidi’s Raspberry Jams, AlbuqCookie, and Dolores’ Salsas, according to a statement released by the Center.

“In the five years that the SVEDC commercial kitchen has been in existence, we have helped to grow nearly 80 small businesses that support jobs and contribute to our local economy. We offer a professional environment where dreams become reality” said SVEDC Executive Director, Tony Gallegos.

The South Valley Economic Development Center is a collaborative effort between and the Rio Grande Community Development Corporation. The SVEDC serves as both the business incubator for clients located in the building and commercial kitchen users, and as an economic development catalyst for the South Valley.

The SVEDC mission is to provide facilities, resources and training to support the development of new and expanding small businesses to create jobs and foster economic revitalization of the South Valley community, while preserving their heritage & culture. To learn more about the SVEDC, contact Tim Nisly, Programs Manager, at 505.877.0373 or visit www.svedc.org.

December 4, 2009 at 02:02 PM in Agriculture, Business, Events, Food and Drink, Holidays | Permalink


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