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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

NM Health & Human Services Committee Looks Toward Legislative Session During November 4-6 Santa Fe Meeting

According to a House press release, the interim Legislative Health and Human Services Committee will hold its November meeting on Wednesday, November 4th through Friday, November 6th in Room 322 of the State Capitol in Santa Fe. The Committee will convene at 8:30 AM on all three days, and there will be time for public comments on each day (see below).

“During this three-day meeting, we will review findings of reports generated in response to legislative requests on various health care issues, including substance abuse, healthcare reform and prescription drug coverage. We will take an in-depth look at behavioral health from the consumer, family, local and Native American perspectives. We will discuss the challenges of providing non-Medicaid behavioral health services to non-Medicaid clients. Finally, we will study proposed legislation from the Governor’s office regarding assisted outpatient treatment, as well as legislation proposed by this Committee, “ said Rep. Danice Picraux (D-Bernalillo-25), Chair of the Committee.

“The feedback we get during this meeting will be used to develop legislation that needs to be introduced during the January, 2010 legislative session. The perspectives of the various behavioral health services stakeholders, as well as the public comments, will help us craft measures that are responsive to the actual experiences of real people involved in giving, receiving and supporting those who are receiving those services. This will also allow us to continue to move toward being as efficient as we can in how we fund and provide those services – something critical in this time of state fiscal constraints,” said Senator Dede Feldman (D-Bernalillo-13), Vice Chair of the Committee.

On Wednesday, the Committee will spend the day reviewing information that was requested by a number of House and Senate Memorials that were passed during the last regular legislative session in January, 2009. On Thursday, the Committee will turn its attention to behavioral health care perspectives from a variety of stakeholders, including provider, consumer, advocate, family and community representatives. On Friday, the Committee will focus on proposed legislation for the forthcoming regular session of the legislature in January.

Public Comment:
The Committee will also take public comment at 4:30 PM on Wednesday, 3:30 PM on Thursday, and at 10:30 AM on Friday. The Committee plans to adjourn at 4:00 PM on Friday.

November 3, 2009 at 09:39 AM in Children and Families, Events, Healthcare, Native Americans, NM Legislature 2009, NM Legislature 2010 | Permalink




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