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Monday, November 09, 2009

NM Economic and Rural Development Committee Has Long Agenda for Meeting This Week

The Economic and Rural Development Committee of the New Mexico Legislature is slated to meet in Room 322 of the State Capitol in Santa Fe on November 11th through 13th, 2009 according to a press release issued today by the New Mexico Senate. Click for details of the Committee's extensive agenda, including updates as the happen. The public is welcome to attend.

“We still have a lot of ground to cover before the regular legislative session begins in January. During this meeting, the topics we will cover will span the spectrum, going from energy matters to consumer protection, from our state’s business climate, to film production. All of these matters are part of the state’s changing economic development picture, and the information being provided to the Committee members will allow us to develop legislation for considation in the next session,” said Senator Bernadette M. Sanchez (D-Bernalillo-26), Chair of the Economic and Rural Development Committee.

“This meeting will be important for beginning to shape legislative initiatives for the next legislative session. How to move our state’s economy toward recovery from the current fiscal downturn will be on all the Committee members’ minds. We will examine the potential effects of various tax incentives and the effects of the regulatory and licensing processes. We need to review our policies and make them more friendly, and less of a deterrent, to new companies coming into New Mexico,” said Representative Mary Helen Garcia (D-Dona Ana-34), Vice-Chair of the Committee.

November 9, 2009 at 03:12 PM in Economy, Populism, NM Legislature 2009, Rural Issues, Taxes | Permalink


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