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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Lt. Gov. Diane Denish Hosts Meeting to Explore Small Satellite Tech Development
Lt. Governor Diane Denish today hosted members of the Air Force Research Laboratory and the high technology business community to discuss the potential for developing the small satellite industry in New Mexico.
“We have a unique opportunity to bring a new high-tech industry to our state, which will create the types of 21st Century jobs we need. With the Air Force Research Laboratory, our commitment to invest in spaceport infrastructure, and our skilled and energetic work force, New Mexico is well positioned to become the home of the small satellite industry,” Denish said in a statement released this afternoon. “By bringing together lab researchers, aerospace businesses and state and local economic development representatives, I hope to spur serious discussions that will lead to more high paying jobs here in New Mexico. Together, we must seize the opportunities of the future.”
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in Albuquerque is currently engaged in small satellite development. The AFRL seeks to develop satellites using off the shelf components that can be manufactured and deployed in a one week time period. The smaller units will allow for highly customized satellites and greatly decrease the cost of satellite development.
"Here at the Air Force Research Lab we are proud of our advances in small satellite technology and greatly appreciate Lt. Gov. Denish's invitation to share our work with the business community," said Colonel Bradley Smith, commander of the Phillips Research Site as well as the Director of the Air Force Research Lab’s Space Vehicles Directorate at Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque.
"New trends in the space industry are developing. Small satellite and responsive launch industries are emerging. Because Kirtland Air Force Base is home to the Space Vehicles Directorate of Air Force Research Laboratory, the Operationally Responsive Space Office, as well as the Space Development and Test Wing it has become a center for small satellite innovation. New Mexico’s business community should be aware of unique opportunities this concentration of space-centric entities has created,” Colonel Smith added.
November 10, 2009 at 04:47 PM in Business, Diane Denish, Science | Permalink
This industry offers a tremendous opportunity for New Mexicans to be on the cutting edge of science...right in our back yard.
Posted by: Cornelia Lange | Nov 10, 2009 9:38:13 PM
Are there any employment statistics regarding this technological development in NM? Are they only research jobs? Does it create more jobs and how many jobs does it preserve? How many jobs will be created in foreign countries? Will the work be outsourced? Does off the shelf parts mean the parts are manufactured abroad or will the whole assembly be outsourced to cheap labor? How many NM graduates may expect employment for this project?
I see that the funding is being channeled through AFRL so how much money is being allocated at the front end to highly paid top bureaucrats and their administrative staff? And, how much money makes it to the back end to buy actual hardware and to pay personnel that actually build, assemble, test, deploy and operate the satellites?
I read somewhere that our economy must generate about 150 thousand jobs per year to keep up with U.S. population increases. How many jobs does NM need to create? Every little bit helps but are we really keeping employment in sight as a goal and are we spending the money efficiently with this goal in mind?
Thank you Diane Denish for bringing good forward looking work to our state.
Posted by: qofdisks | Nov 11, 2009 9:26:59 AM
All very good questions, gofdisks. Hard to get info.
Posted by: barb | Nov 11, 2009 11:39:44 AM