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Friday, October 09, 2009

Tonight: Free Outdoor Films and Family Events at Sanchez Farm in ABQ

From the Bernalillo County Open Space Program:The Leopold Legacy Film Series will present the film "Heart & Soil" on Friday, October 9, at Sanchez Farm located at 1108 Arenal Road SW in Albuquerque, along with additional free family fun events at the open space.

Events begin at 4:00 PM with family farm activities. At 7:00 PM, there will be an outdoor film showing opening with local shorts and including "Stories of Wolves - The Lobo Returns" by Elke Duerr. The outdoor screening of "Heart & Soil" starts at 7:30 PM. Guests are encouraged to bring picnic blankets and dinner. The show will be outdoors, so bring appropriate clothing.

"Heart & Soil," a 45-minute family documentary, offers hope for our planet. Does what you eat affect global warming? Are small scaled farmers the new super-heroes? Can growing local organic food save the Earth? This uplifting movie clips along with the pace of barefoot children and frolicking livestock, taking us on a journey into the rich landscape and lives of small scale farming, the bustling energy of farmers' markets and farm to school programs. 

Filmed in the rugged Four Corners Area of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, "Heart & Soil" has been called "a love song for farmers," those stalwart keepers of the earth who speak with passion on diverse topics including animal husbandry, soil science and climate change. "Heart & Soil" also touches on the darker side of agriculture: the corporate extractive system that produces-not only most of the food we eat-but global warming.

For more information: 505-314-0398, calangan@bernco.gov.

Directions: From I-25, take Cesar Chavez Exit 223 going West. Cesar Chavez becomes Bridge Blvd. after crossing the Rio Grande. Go left (South) on Isleta Blvd for approximately1 mile. Go left on Lopez Rd. (there is a stoplight at Lopez Rd.). Lopez Rd. will end at Arenal. Park along the street. Please carpool when possible as parking is limited. You may also park at the West Side Community Center and walk to Sanchez Farm.

*****Please pass this on to anyone interested*****

This event is part of the Aldo Leopold Centennial Celebration 2009.

October 9, 2009 at 11:29 AM in Agriculture, Children and Families, Environment, Events, Film | Permalink




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