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Monday, October 05, 2009

New Energy Economy Invites You to Vision Shift! Art in the Age of Climate Change

From New Energy Economy:
We cordially invite you to attend Vision Shift! Art in the Age of Climate Change. Vision Shift! is the product of a collection of organizations including New Energy Economy, Center for Contemporary Arts, McCune Charitable Foundation, New Cycle Foundation, Santa Fe Art Institute, Earth Care (Youth Allies Organizing Program), Earthworks Institute, Fine Arts for Children and Teens (FACT), Santa Fe Place, Warehouse 21, The Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, and the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA).

Vision Shift! Art in the Age of Climate Change will raise awareness around climate change and affect public policy while creating meaningful social change.

Santa Fe Mayor David Coss recently signed a proclamation declaring a Vision Shift! Art in the Age of Climate Change week. Vision Shift! opens October 8, 2009 at six venues in Santa Fe with more than 100 works and runs through November 30, 2009. We hope you will join us!

See below the fold for upcoming VISION SHIFT! EVENTS:

Thursday, October 8:

5-7 PM Kick Off Event, Santa Fe Place, 4250 Cerrillos Road. Santa Fe Mayor David Coss reads Vision Shift! Proclamation, music with DJ Anjali, and unveiling of the mural done by Bryan Dixon (Diné) working with Earthworks. Bryan's father worked underground in the coal mines in Farmington and knows all too well the negative impacts to his community from the reliance on fossil fuels. Info: 505-469-4060.

5:45 PM Littleglobe's Common Ground - Santa Fe Performance, Santa Fe Place, 4250 Cerrillos Road. Littleglobe's artistic director Molly Sturges and members of Littleglobe's arts and activism ensemble Common Ground - Santa Fe will lead a short interactive performance exploring our shared post-fossil-fuel future and the evolving collective mythologies that can get us there. Visit www.littleglobe.org. Info: 505-989-1437.

Friday, October 9:

5-7 PM Mapping a Green Future Opening, Center for Contemporary Arts, 1050 Old Pecos Trail. Curated by Lea Rekow. Mapping a Green Future is an exhibition that looks toward the promise of sustainability and the challenges we currently face. The connection between the automobile, life and air is explored through Andrea Polli and Chuck Varga's Cloud Car. Polli's weather station, Hello, Weather! attempts to de-mystify the collection and use of weather and climate. Bill Gilbert documents walking the grid, as topography and legalities allow. Jenny Polak negotiates border politics through a sound installation made from conversations with immigrant workers. Joan Myers' panoramic photography of power plants deals with industrialization's impact on the environment. CCA Info: 505-982-1338.

6 PM Director of New Enery Economy, John Fogarty Lecture - Building Local Economies and Solving Global Warming: Santa Fe is Ready to Lead, Center for Contemporary Arts, 1050 Old Pecos Trail. Opening John Fogarty's lecture, Littleglobe's arts and activism ensemble, Common Ground - Santa Fe, will do a short music and spoken worrd performance with guests J.A. Deane and Joel Glanzberg. Led by Littleglobe's artistic director, Molly Sturges, performers include ensemble members Jaime Figueroa, Brent Herrera, London Wilder, Audreyann Martinez, Acushla Bastible, Elisa Keir, and Adelma Hnasko.

5-7 PM Scout's Honour and Badland Exhibition Openings, The Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, 108 Cathedral Place. Scout's Honour is an exhibition which explores, among many things, environmental issues and relationship to land. Badland is an exhibit that is part of the statewide Land Art project and deals with environmental issues. Info: 505-983-8900.

Oct. 5 - Oct. 30:

Post-Fossil-Fuel Art Exhibition, Santa Fe Art Institute, 1600 St. Michaels Dr. This unjuried exhibition explores artists' visions for a post fossil-fuel world. Info: www.VisionShift.org.

Saturday, October 10:

5-7 PM FACT and Warehouse 21 Art Opening, Warehouse 21, 1614 Paseo de Peralta. Artwork from the Vision Shift FACT printmaking workshop goes on display at Warehouse 21 in the W21 Flying Cow Gallery. Info: 505-989-4223 x1 or ana@warehouse21.org

7:00 PM Spoken Word Performance, Award-winning slam poet Nolan Eskeets performs spoken word at W21.

7:10 PM Ed Mazria Lecture, Warehouse 21. Is it possible to achieve energy independence, solve climate change and revitalize the United States' economy with a single solution? According to Ed Mazria, Founder and Executive Director of Architecture 2030, it is. Mazria will deliver an eye-opening presentation of current climatic, energy and economic events, illustrating the magnitude of the challenges and opportunities confronting us today. Info for all Warehouse 21 events: 505-989-4223x1; ana@warehouse21.org

Friday, October 16:

10 AM-2 PM Live Feed from Bioneers, Center for Contemporary Arts, 1050 Old Pecos Trail. A repeat will be shown from 3 to 7 PM.

Saturday, October 17:

10 AM-2 PM Live Feed from Bioneers, Center for Contemporary Arts, 1050 Old Pecos Trail. A repeat will be shown from 3 to 7 PM.

Sunday, October 18:

10 AM-2 PM Live Feed from Bioneers, Center for Contemporary Arts, 1050 Old Pecos Trail. A repeat will be shown from 3 to 7 PM. CCA Info: 505-982-1338.

Saturday, October 24:

2-4 PM International Day of Climate Action. In observation of the 350.org International Day of Climate Action, Earth Care's Youth Allies Organizers will host an action to raise awareness about climate change and demand movement by political leaders to cap carbon emissions and reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere below 350 parts per million. The action will include a critical mass bike ride, march, and mass bus ride from CCA to the Roundhouse to leave a powerful message (both literal and figurative) for our leaders. Contact: youthallies@earthcare.org, (505) 699-1025.

Saturday, November 7:

12 PM The Museum of Contemporary Native Arts Members' Lunch, 108 Cathedral Place. Luncheon at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts with Scout's Honor talk by exhibit curator Ryan Rice. Info: 505-983-8900.

October 1 - November 30:

Art-in-Transit, Santa Fe Buses. Art relating to climate change by Charles Strong will be displayed in the Santa Fe City Buses.

For more information, visit the websites of New Energy Economy and Vision Shift!.

October 5, 2009 at 10:41 AM in Art, Children and Families, Climate, Energy, Environment, Events, Green Economy, Music, Native Americans, Santa Fe Politics, Transportation, Youth | Permalink


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