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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

(Updated) NM Rep. Ben Rodefer Informs School Superintendents He's Fighting Against Cuts to Education

Update: Read this post at Roundhouse Roundup that features an "Open Letter to the Citizens of New Mexico" about the state budget from Senate President Pro-Tem Tim Jennings. Predictably, it's full of scary language and excuses for making wrong-headed cuts in education and other things ordinary citizens need. Is he really a Democrat? You decide. He makes a point of singling out the schools:

This drastic decline in revenue means that we all must be prepared for substantial budget cuts to all of state government, including public schools and higher education.

No mention of rescinding the crazy tax cuts for our wealthiest citizens or finally forcing certain big corporations, like Walmart, to pay state taxes like they do in almost every single other state. You might want to let Jennings know how you feel about his views.
Below is the text of a letter sent recently by State Rep. Ben Rodefer (D, HD 23) to every public school superintendent in New Mexico promising to fight against education cuts being discussed by some NM Senators, and pledging to work to kill any budget bill that includes any public school cuts whatsoever. Bravo!

Rep. Rodefer reports that the superintendents are responding with heartfelt thanks and asking how they can be involved and help. If you agree with Rep. Roderfer's position -- and I certainly do -- you're urged to contact your legislators and tell them they need to look elsewhere for revenue to make up the budget shortfall.


There is a great deal of conversation now about how we ought to address New Mexico's significant budget shortfalls. There are many in the State Senate who are publicly calling for slashing the education budget in the upcoming Special Session. Senators are speaking of 5% to 10% cuts across the board for schools. As you are aware we indeed already cut education funding earlier this year, and indeed independent studies have concluded that we were already then underfunding our schools by at least 15%. I know many districts are even considering suing since our State Constitution clearly mandates that we fully fund education.

There is nothing more important than our children, their education and their future. Education is the greatest form of long-term economic development. I find it unconscionable that so many in the State Senate want to compromise New Mexico's future by further challenging our already financially strained school districts, and the vital services and jobs they provide.

I already have a substantial number of votes in the House against any budget agreement that includes cuts to public school funding. I want to further promise you personally that I will fight with every political breath I have to kill in the House of Representatives any public school cuts whatsoever, whether they be statewide or specific to your district.

We cannot throw away the intellectual and economic future of our children and our state to cover up an inability in our legislature to do the difficult work of addressing our need for strengthened revenue streams and for finding specific statewide funding cuts that are viable, not directly damaging our citizens or communities, and that just make more common sense than crippling our schools as a short term fix.

With profound respect for all the great work you do,

State Representative Benjamin Rodefer
New Mexico House of Representatives

BW Note: It's clear that Republicans will be targeting Rep. Rodefer to try and win back the seat that Ben won last year from Republican incumbent Eric Youngberg. It's important that Ben build up a strong campaign fund to discourage that and to help him win re-election. I hope you click to donate to Rodefer's campaign.

September 30, 2009 at 01:54 PM in 2010 NM Legislature Races, Economy, Populism, Education, NM Legislature Special Session 2009 | Permalink


Maybe it is just me, but this letter feels more than a little self-serving. I hope I'm wrong.

Posted by: Mark | Sep 30, 2009 3:57:48 PM

Thank you Rep. Rodefer for your stance on this! We need more like you.

Posted by: JJ | Sep 30, 2009 7:35:12 PM

I know there's an election going on, but right now the two "Chavez sucks, no Romero sucks, no you suck" threads have a combined 84 comments while cutting K-12 education funding gets two.

Three counting this one.

The sad fact is that having an election doesn't matter. Public education might be the biggest single budget item in the State o' New Mexico, but it sure doesn't play like it on the Internets. I know from some experience in this regard.

Oh, and thanks DFNM for posting this and anything else having to do with this issue.

Btw, in an attempt to "cross the streams" and glom on to some Chaves/Romero hit count magic....is Marty still talking about taking over the schools? I haven't heard that one this election cycle (not that I've been listening that hard this time around). Thanks in advance for any insights into this, and for taking time to comment on a post about public education.

Posted by: scot | Sep 30, 2009 9:02:43 PM

Sorry, didn't read the Dean post and resultant "suck, suck, suck" fest o' comments.

That's 3 posts, 114 comments


3...well four if you include this one.

Posted by: scot | Sep 30, 2009 9:35:35 PM

I agree with you Scot. Posts about matters like this get little response. It's no fun. It's hard for one person to post about even a good percentage of things that need attention. I try to mix it up but I know I neglect many issues. If I only had a clone!

I've also offered the opportunity for a guest blog to many in the "progressive community" and gotten little response. At the end of every guest blog I encourage everyone to submit a piece if they're so moved. Not many do. I wish those concerned with the issues would take me up on the offer.

But, as you say, posts that allow people to bash one another over a candidate get big participation. It's easy to parrot whatever the campaigns are spinning. A candidate is either a saint or a devil. I find this very similar to the kind of thinking in terms of black and white with no gray areas that we like to think only Republicans have. Guess again. Too many of the comments on recent threads have too much in common with teabaggers IMO.

What I tried to do with my original post was get people to think beyond the slogans and consider whether Romero was running a campaign that could win. So maybe they'd at least think about things strategically and pragmatically because I'm scared to death that Berry might win. Maybe jolt people into reality re what's at stake and where the race stands. The mayoral election was creating mostly disgust or boredom. I like to think that I at least created some buzz to wake people up, whether people agreed with me or not.

Posted by: barb | Oct 1, 2009 9:27:17 AM

Our educators work very hard. Teacher's salaries are some of the last dignified pay coupled with some job security left in the country much less in this state.
Education in the state of NM should be a budget priority. I am against cuts to education.
I would rather see early release of inmates, harm minimalization in our drug laws so people don't go to jail for drugs.
I would rather have tax cuts for the rich rescinded than cut education in this state.

Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 1, 2009 10:13:15 AM

here here gofdisks! that is the answer!

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Oct 1, 2009 12:24:21 PM

Disgusting that the Governor and fake Democrats like Sen. Jennings REFUSE to look at taxes on the wealthy and making corporations pay their share. They INSIST on cutting education. Wind bags.

Posted by: Tax the Rich | Oct 1, 2009 12:30:44 PM

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