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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Rio Rancho Tea Partyers Strut Their Hateful Stuff

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NoPillsCr TeabagsRioRancho9.1.09Cr
Rio Rancho Tea Party 9.1.09

Tea party supporters -- or whatever they're calling themselves these days -- gathered in Rio Rancho yesterday to greet the Tea Party Express. Evidently, the goals included showing off for Fox News reporters, spreading lies about health care reform, insulting the President with racist overtones and holding the fort against "Marxism" and "socialism." Many looked like they were on Medicare, so I don't know what their beef is, exactly, about government run health care programs .

The Democratic Party of New Mexico blog has the story, as well as a slew of photos from the event. Go see for yourself. 

You can find out more about the Tea Party Express at their website, which includes a store selling a really classy t-shirt. I'm sure Dick Armey approves:


Photos at top courtesy of Democratic Party of New Mexico Flickr account.

September 2, 2009 at 03:33 PM in Democratic Party, Events, Healthcare, Local Politics, Minority Issues, Obama Health Care Reform, Republican Party | Permalink


I am feeling nostalgic for the good ol'days when the village only had one idiot.

Posted by: El Greco | Sep 2, 2009 7:11:19 PM

The enemy without unites within.

The President seems much more likable after reading this post than after reading the one immediately preceding it.

The enemy of the enemy is my friend...but he's being a bit of a lousy friend these days.

Posted by: scot | Sep 2, 2009 10:00:07 PM

Rio Rancho was a mistake from the start. Mindless trash on the mesa.

Posted by: Seamus | Sep 3, 2009 8:21:17 AM

Good point, scot!

Posted by: barb | Sep 3, 2009 9:36:27 AM

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