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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mary Travers: And When I Die ...

She was Greenwich Village through and through -- beautiful and edgy, smart and fierce, talented and rowdy and brave -- a freedom fighter and peace seeker and lover of life till the end of her time, today, on this beautiful but often contentious plane of consciousness.

At Martin Luther King's March on Washington 1963

Her voice and energy could be powerful or sweet, rousing and rebellious, thirsting for justice, political or intimate. She worked for civil rights, for human rights, for the children, for the sisterhood and brotherhood, all over the globe. She was one tough, independent, yet vulnerable woman, when it was much more difficult to be one. With a voice and presence uniquely hers, full of grace and passion. She touched the world.



Mary Travers
of Peter, Paul and Mary

At Washington Peace March 1971

September 17, 2009 at 12:24 AM in Current Affairs, Music | Permalink


Thanks for the memories--an added poignancy in seeing John Denver, also no longer with us, singing along in the peace rally.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Sep 17, 2009 1:41:23 AM

Lovely coverage. They were one of my favorites when I was young. More musicians today should do what they did and get active politically.

Posted by: Kathy | Sep 17, 2009 5:12:26 PM



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