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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Call to Action: Attend LFC Meeting on NM Budget on September 28 at State Capitol

BetterchoicesFrom Better Choices New Mexico:
Throughout the last several weeks we have done much to begin educating fellow New Mexicans, the media, and policy-makers about the dangers of additional budget cuts. However, this effort has only just begun and there is a great deal more to do. The Legislative Finance Committee is meeting on September 28, 2009 at the state Capitol in room 307. Beginning at 8:30 AM, the committee will discuss proposals to restore FY 10 solvency.

This meeting is a perfect opportunity to make our physical presence known. We are asking that you bring your family, friends, and co-workers to this meeting. The purpose of your attendance is to fill the room with New Mexicans who support a balanced and sustainable approach to addressing New Mexico’s budgetary needs. While there will not be folks with megaphones, or even an opportunity for public testimony, our silent presence will be deafening. BCNM organizing staff will have Better Choices stickers for easy identification by LFC members and staff.

Your support at this event WILL make a difference. Please RSVP your attendance to betterchoicesnm@gmail.com or contact Stephanie Maez-Gibson at (505) 410-0251 should you have additional questions.

Better Choices New Mexico supports a balanced approach to addressing New Mexico’s budgetary challenges. This alliance of small businesses, faith-based groups, working families, and nonprofit organizations believes cutting critical services and programs would be a terrible mistake. Instead, the Legislature needs to open the books on tax expenditures, close the loopholes for out-of-state corporations, and rollback the tax breaks for the wealthy.

DFNM Note: See our earlier post on Better Choices New Mexico to learn more about the group and its positions.

September 19, 2009 at 11:39 AM in Children and Families, Events, Healthcare, Jobs, Local Politics, NM Legislature Special Session 2009, Poverty, Santa Fe Politics, Women's Issues | Permalink


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