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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Action Alert: The Bleeding of Medicaid in New Mexico

From New Mexico Voices for Children:
As you may know, the state's Medicaid program is facing deficits that may be as high as $300 million by the end of next year. The Legislature is considering massive cost containment measures as a remedy, including: cutting entire programs such as State Coverage Insurance for adults (SCI), personal care, and prescription medications; cutting services such as dental and vision benefits for adults, hospice services, and nursing services in school; as well as scaling back enrollment.

Medicaid is the single largest insurer of children in New Mexico, and provides health care to one-quarter of all New Mexicans. Because it draws down a 4-to-1 match in federal dollars, it's also a major economic engine for the state. Significant cuts would be disastrous in more ways than one.

The only way to stop the bleeding is to pressure the Legislature.

How You Can Help
Tomorrow, the Legislative Health and Human Services committee (LHHS) is meeting to discuss Medicaid cost containment, and public comments will be allowed. Please come and give specific examples about how cutting Medicaid will harm you or your family.

The LHHS meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 16, at Santa Ana Star Center, 3001 Civic Center, in Rio Rancho. The committee will take public comment from 3:30 to 5 PM. Click for more information on the agenda (pdf).

September 15, 2009 at 12:22 PM in Children and Families, Economy, Populism, Events, Healthcare, Local Politics, NM Legislature Special Session 2009, Poverty, Women's Issues | Permalink


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