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Monday, September 21, 2009

9/27: Party-Campaign Fundraiser to Re-Elect Mary Herrera NM Secretary of State

From the Committee to Re-Elect Mary Herrera:

You are cordially invited to a
Party/Campaign Fundraiser
Mary Herrera
Secretary of State
On Sunday, September 27, 2009, 3:00 to 6:00 PM

SaddleBack Ranch, between Lamy and Galisteo NM
(Site of next years Buckaroo Ball)
Located approximately 1 mile from highway 285 on NM 41 (road to Galisteo) south
Look for gate and signs
For directions call (505) 983-8521 or
Email letitiamontoya@msn.com

Hosted by
Gabriel Bethel, Michael Skladany,
Billie Verkin, Dan Silvestri
Letitia Montoya & Michael Segura
Deborah Bransford, Lisa & Eric Lujan

September 21, 2009 at 10:02 AM in 2010 NM Secretary of State Race, Events | Permalink


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