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Monday, August 10, 2009
Two Exciting Climate Change Symposia in August: Albuquerque & Las Cruces
From the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club: You're invited to two Climate Change Symposia in New Mexico. The first is in Albuquerque and is sponsored by the Sierra Club at the University of New Mexico. The second is in Las Cruces and is sponsored by Congressman Harry Teague at New Mexico State University. Information on these excellent opportunities is found below:
Albuquerque: Come join New Mexico residents and leaders in a symposium on how to confront climate change with meaningful policies, laws, and actions. There will be four issue tracks feature national and local speakers: The Science of Climate Change; Environmental Justice; Land Use and Transportation; and Green Jobs.
What & When:
Climate Change in New Mexico: Seizing the Opportunities
Friday, August 21, 2009, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
George Pearl Hall, UNM
Central and Stanford SE, Albuquerque (Map)
Keynote address: Ed Mazria, Architecture 2030.
Invited: Van Jones, President Obama's Green Jobs Advisor.
Invited: New Mexico Congressional Delegation.
Invited: Governor Bill Richardson.
To RSVP contact Lora Lucero, LWVNM Natural Resources Director, loralucero@aol.com, 505.247.0844. For more info visit: www.lwvnm.org/
Cost: $20 Box lunch included. Scholarships available. Seating limited. This symposium is sponsored by the Sierra Club, Rio Grande Chapter; Oxfam of America; and the League of Women Voters Education Fund.
Las Cruces: Two full days of topics include moving to a renewable energy economy, the impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) on energy and a legislative update, energy and agriculture, Algal biofuels and biomass, solar and wind power, energy transmission: micro-grid and smart-grid, the role of traditional energy sources, and how to start or grow your small energy business in New Mexico.
What & When:
Re-Energize America: Policy, Practice, and Possibility for America's Energy Future
August 31 - September 1
Corbett Center, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces ()
Keynote address: Congressman Harry Teague.
Invited are several prestigous national speakers, regional and New Mexico experts. Check the website for continuing information.
Reserve your free tickets at https://energize.nmsu.edu/. For additional information contact Brenda Dunn at the Institute for Energy and the Environment/WERC at 575/646-2575 or Aggie Saltman, Coordinator, Office of Governmental Relations at 575/646-9323.
This conference is sponsored by New Mexico State University-Institute for Energy and the Environment/WERC, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico Economic Development Department, and New Mexico Tech.
Please take a moment to forward this information to your friends, family, and colleagues, or anyone you think is interested in hearing about climate change in New Mexico!
August 10, 2009 at 09:24 AM in Climate, Energy, Environment, Events, Green Economy, Las Cruces | Permalink