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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Today, 6PM, ABQ: Join OFA's Bus Tour Rally for Health Care Reform at National Hispanic Cultural Center
From Organizing for America (OFA): Join fellow New Mexicans for OFA's bus tour rally to promote meaningful health insurance reform - with a Public Option! The Executive Director of OFA, Mitch Stewart, will be speaking to the crowd along with State Senator Dede Feldman, Greg Bloom from the office of Senator Jeff Bingaman, Dr. Elaine Bradshaw and Dr. Luella Toni Lewis, President of the Committee of Interns and Residents, Fonda Osborn, registered nurse and New Mexico resident Sisto Abeyta.
Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee dedicated to supporting President Obama’s agenda for change, said that the Health Insurance Reform Now: Let’s Get it Done! Bus Tour, is part of a wider set of events in the next two weeks being held throughout the nation in support of health insurance reform. Sign up for the New Mexico Health Insurance Reform Bus Tour here.
Bring your rally voices, and your positive energy, as we display support for Health Insurance Reform just before our members of Congress return to DC! Please arrive by 6:00 PM. The rally will be in the Plaza Mayor on the Hispanic Cultural Center Campus. Plenty of parking is available on site.
Thursday, August 27 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Hosted by Luis Hernandez
National Hispanic Cultural Center
1701 4th St. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87106, Map
August 27, 2009 at 02:20 PM in Events, Healthcare, Obama Health Care Reform, Organizing for America | Permalink
Sorry - I couldn't be there but wonder if Mitch Stewart will explain why Obama has totally wimped out on health care reform. I am deeply disappoint how Obama has sold us out to the Drug Companies and how he seems ready to cave on the public option.
Posted by: mwfolsom | Aug 27, 2009 9:42:43 PM
why would anyone support an oboma initiative?
he is a sell out.
Posted by: javed ashby | Aug 27, 2009 11:19:47 PM
Sorry I was unable to attend. I feel the healthcare scam is just another step to take away freedom and liberty. Why are the so-called representatives supporting it? It has to be money. If the supposed leaders in Washington support obama then they must be getting something for it. The careless, outrageous spending is meant to take away everything we have fought for from the beginning
Posted by: jw wiggins | Aug 28, 2009 8:41:37 AM
I went to the rally and it was so packed the crowd spilled out into another area. The speakers were great . I really liked what Senator Dede Feldman had to say plain and simple so anyone could understand.
People were rallying for a reform plan WITH a public option and the OFA people were too. Now we have to all get out and convince everyone we know on the facts and get this passed.
Posted by: Robert | Aug 28, 2009 9:22:51 AM