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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ched MacQuigg Guest Blog: Let's Spend the Reserve Fund

ChedThis is a guest blog by Ched MacQuigg, who is a retired shop teacher and a Character Counts! advocate. His vision of the world includes public servants that are honestly accountable at least to the standards they hold up for children.

The State of New Mexico has a shoebox full of cash under its bed. It's called the reserve fund.

Right now there is more money in the reserve fund than there is in deficit. The fund could be spent to cover the deficit. To do so however, would mean depleting the reserve fund to a dangerously low balance. There would be no money for a rainy day.

I propose; in a special session dedicated solely to ending the culture of corruption, we take whatever money we need to, out of the reserve fund, in order to fully fund the end the culture of corruption through forensic auditing and transparency. Every branch of government, whose responsibilities include enforcing meaningful standards of conduct and competence, will receive whatever funding they need, in order to stop the stealing.

In a subsequent special session, spending will be cut or taxes will be raised, in order to maintain the necessary floor in the rainy day fund.

In the next fiscal year, hundreds of millions of dollars will be saved.

The savings will be put into the shoebox under the bed, or given back to taxpayers.

Ched MacQuigg blogs at Diogenes Six. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

August 26, 2009 at 02:16 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Guest Blogger, NM Legislature Special Session 2009 | Permalink



It's over? Hope so.

Posted by: qofdisks | Aug 27, 2009 8:11:48 AM

So it was another wild goose chase fueled by the Bush administration via its politicized us attorneys. I'm not surprised. The "investigation" was useful politically in sidelining Richardson and keeping negative stories in the media. Bush's "Justice Department" operates like our own Attorney General Gary King, Both use their powers to try and smear people they don't like politically. King is now on a tax dollar funded wild goose chase against NM's nonprofits. He is no Democrat.

Posted by: Old Dem | Aug 27, 2009 8:39:08 AM



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