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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

If You're Not Part of the Solution, You're Part of the Problem

President Obama lays it all on the line during his press conference on health care reform tonight. It's now or never. Keep up the pressure on Congress. Encourage your friends, family and coworkers to do the same. Push, push, push. We can't take no for an answer.

My favorite Obama quote from the presser, and a good talking point to use with those on the fence about reform:

If somebody told you that there is a plan out there that is guaranteed to double your health-care costs over the next 10 years, that's guaranteed to result in more Americans losing their health care, and that is by far the biggest contributor to our federal deficit, I think most people would be opposed to that. Well, that's the status quo. That's what we have right now. So if we don't change, we can't expect a different result.

July 22, 2009 at 11:33 PM in Healthcare, NM Congressional Delegation, Obama Health Care Reform | Permalink


How about pushing Heinrich? I read that he is more concerned the proposed tax on those families with incomes of over $1M per year than he is about supporting Obama's health care reform.

Posted by: Ellen Wedum | Jul 23, 2009 5:54:21 AM

We also need to be pushing Senator Bingaman. The Senate Finance Committee has said for about five weeks now they are on the verge of putting out a bill, but nothing's happening. I find it really troubling that Max Baucus and Charles Grassley can hold the entire process hostage. And I'm not willing to let Bingaman off the hook entirely. He's a key member of that committee. Call him and tell him to that while you appreciate his work on the health reform bill that came out of the HELP committee, he needs to put pressure on Baucus and Grassley to move on health care now.

Posted by: Don | Jul 23, 2009 8:15:13 AM

Ellen it helps if you link to an article when you claim you read something like what you say about Heinrich. I have not seen anything about that at all. You need to back up your claims.

I will be calling all our Senators and Representatives to make sure they know we are watching them.

Posted by: L. Ronan | Jul 23, 2009 9:12:00 AM

I should probably let Ellen speak for herself, but I did notice that JoeMonahan mentioned something about Heinrich and the uber-wealthy tax today. And I swear I only read the Monahan piece after seeing the headline and noting that Ellen mentioned it here. I swear.

Outside of Monahan I don't see it, after a quick bounce around the Net. I don't know what that says exactly about Heinrich's position on things. I guess I'll call Heinrich's office and actually find out via some other means than some slimy self-proclaimed "insider".

Posted by: scot | Jul 23, 2009 11:47:20 AM

P.S.: I'm definitely not any kind of insider, whatsoever. I called and got nowhere.

Posted by: scot | Jul 23, 2009 11:54:54 AM

MSM on TV did not cover Health Care issues after the speech. Only the Black Prof. issue was discussed on TV. After the speech, CNN had Black in America on for 2 hours. Larry King same.
The View today discussed the Black Prof. issue and then the ladies looked around vacantly and declared that they did not know what health care reform is about. Pathetic.
After the speech, I watched CSpan put the Republicans on the floor running down health care reform with the same old tired and false arguments.
There was NO analysis by the usual pundits, nothing.
Perhaps everybody was just stunned?
Perhaps we are just tired of fighting for what we are due having given the best of our lives to the workforce that made the top dogs so rich.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 23, 2009 1:45:45 PM

On Friday July 17, an article in FBIHop said that Lujan and Teaque opposed taxes on the rich to pay for health care.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jul 23, 2009 8:24:06 PM

Yes I'm aware of that letter signed by Lujan and Teague. I've been waiting for an answer from Lujan's office providing further explanation of his position and I'll be posting on it tomorrow.

Posted by: barb | Jul 23, 2009 9:33:35 PM

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